
Interindividual Analysis

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According to Liebert, Interindividual people are those “who free enough to be themselves, and let others be themselves fully” (153). The interindividual stage looks to integrate fully any opposites for the directees’ comfort in living with freedom, responsibility, achievement, and intimacy. They become mature and “world-conscious people” with social engagement and interdependence. The process of reintegration may appear limitations and tension, but overall the directees are more aware of the need for a reconciliation process, of the imaging of God, and of spiritual self-direction. They see themselves as “co-creators” with God. Although the gay directees do not need much spiritual direction at this stage, according to Empereur, the directors need to keep in mind three areas: “the transformation of loss, the poetics of intimacy, and the public passage” (158). …show more content…

The poetics of intimacy means to approach and respect others as they are. Dialoguing for understanding is the key to unpack and deepen mutual love with God, others, and self. For the directees who are looking for a relationship, the director should advice, “Look where you are not looking” (162). The public passage concerns social roles of gay/lesbian directees, in other words, their mission is significant for human community. There are two steps before “coming out” to a public passage: the appreciation of the human body (both attractive and sacramental) and the call to “generativity” regardless physical beauty. Thus, gay/lesbian people need to prove themselves in fields of profession. They also “witness to believers the shape of homosexual holiness.” For both society and the church, “homosexuality is one of God’s most significant gifts to humanity,” affirms Empereur

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