
Internal Control : The Basic Functions Of Management

Satisfactory Essays

QUESTION (2) (a) – What do you understand by internal control? (5 marks)

Control is one of the basic functions of management. I understand internal control therefore to be the continuous process of ensuring an organisation’s objectives are achieved efficiently and effectively. I believe that internal control is a set of procedures and processes which the management of a company – the Board of Directors and management as a whole – are responsible for in order to prevent or deter and detect fraud; safeguard the organization’s assets, resources and shareholders’ investment; implement sound business practice; ensure reliable and accurate financial reporting; ensure compliance with statutory obligations; and segregation of duties. Internal control is closely linked to risk management. Opportunities for fraud are created by poor or inadequate internal controls, and therefore I understand internal control to be a powerful management tool.

QUESTION (2) (b) – Using examples outline the general framework of internal controls that must be used in organizations (25 marks)
There are several frameworks of internal control, ranging from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Turnbull Guidance, and the COSO and COCO frameworks. However, most of these frameworks have common components and the general framework that must be used in most organizations can therefore be summarized in four stages:
• Risk assessment.
• Control environment and control activities or control procedures.
• Information and

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