
Internal Medicine Personal Statement

Decent Essays

My first introduction to Internal Medicine was even before starting kindergarten,when as a young kid I used to visit my dad’s clinic. I was always fascinated by the compassion my dad had for the sick and grief stricken and the sense of joy and happiness he experienced when he used to see them on the way to recovery. 30 years down the line I graduated from the same medical school as my dad. One of the proudest moment for me and him alike.
In our folklore it says that the great riders never fall, but even greater are those who ride having experienced the fall. Failure is the greatest teacher and I experienced it first hand when I lost an extremely uphill battle to get a spot into medical school. The ground shook beneath my very feet. All my life I worked hard to fulfill the dream of being a physician, pursuing anything else was not an option. I learned from the master teacher, the failure himself, studied even harder, and that hard work led me to have an option of 5 medical schools to choose from. …show more content…

During my Internal Medicine rotation, I experience the unique thought process and strategy needed for the treatment of patients with multiple co-morbidities and the need to treat the patient as a whole. I had my final year rotation with one of the best internist in my country, who later became the Vice Chancellor of the university. His vast knowledge and clinical acumen inspired me even further. The cycle of curiosity was vicious, the more I learned, the more I realized how little I knew and more I wanted to

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