Since the Second World War, international business appeared as the main economic factor responding to postwar needs. Nowadays, globalisation has increased the facility of international exchange and has risen the multicultural needs.The increase in demand for international products has resulted in large possibilities to do business abroad. However, it is really complicate to import or export without knowledge in this area. Global business is all of the commercial exchanges which involve more than one country. Understanding and applying the major factors of overseas business is crucial. In fact, it is clear that the most important factors involved in international exchange include foreign culture, transport and payment transaction. This …show more content…
Dr. Nelson (2009, pp.121-2) agrees that air shipment is the fastest way of delivery; however, it is the most expensive transportation. Freight by sea is more cost efficient and more convenient for bulk and heavy products but it takes longer to transfer. (Nelson, 2009, pp.121-2 and Weiss, 2008, pp.143-p7).
Finally, after finding the most suitable transport to distribute the merchandise, organisations need to establish the incoterms to do international business. Radke (2012) describes that incoterms intended to regulate, define the cost, reduce transfer of risk and also avoid misinterpretation of freighting selling goods contract. He explains that there are 11 incoterms with different insurances, including various covers for the risk of goods damage or loss. Hence, incoterms are crucial if an incident happen when the goods are in transit and to determine who is responsible for the cargo among of the seller and the buyer. For instance, The International Chamber of Commerce(2010, pp. 60-7) explains that the incoterm Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) is all seller 's obligations, from “door to door”. In other terms, the seller is responsible/for packaging, insurance, taxes, duties and any potential hazards (ICC, 2010, pp. 60-7). Those factors show the importance for an importer or an exporter to send their product with the best transport method and anticipate the contractor 's responsibilities. Moreover, these points are essential part of doing overseas
In a time of global commerce, new business ventures can take on many forms. What used to be local or even national companies have become world-wide. International growth of a business can be extremely beneficial but is not without its challenges. Different countries have different peoples and different cultures - different ways of doing business altogether. If a venture is to be successful, these differences must be well understood.
Nyerere’s “One Party Government” and Lao-Tzu’s “Thoughts of the Tao-te Ching” are both relevant/ applicable to aspects of Steinbeck’s Cannery Row. Nyerere’s essay, “One-Party Government” highlights the idea of community, which is prevalent throughout Steinbeck’s Cannery Row. The idea of community is a major theme in Cannery Row, it is shown in many different ways. The idea of community is most prominent when there was an influenza outbreak and the community had to come together to get through it. In Nyerere’s essay, the idea of community is greatly emphasized; he emphasizes that the idea of community is an essential part for the success of any society.
When selling abroad to another country, there are many barriers. One of which being the fact that selling goods in a foreign country means the commission rates and standard charges will be different. Also, there are certain tariffs set in different varieties of countries. This means that the business may need to pay a fixed amount of money in order to export goods into a different country. Selling abroad also means that the country which you’re exporting to may not speak the same language as the company’s origins. This means that the company need to ensure that they change the language on the advertising banner in
In approving healthy behaviors or removing unhealthy ones, people progress through five levels linked to their readiness to changes. These five stages are in the Transtheoretical Model of Change are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. At each stage, different intervention strategies will help people progress to the next stage. The Transtheoretical Model of Change draws from a number of different theories. It was first used in psychotherapy by Prochaska in 1979.
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Making business abroad can be risky, but it can also be profitable for a company as well; thus the necessity to study in deep the country where the company will bring the business to. International companies are faced with many cultural challenges, when doing business across and inside of different borders. Identifying the significant cultural issues involved when evaluating the attractiveness of a particular location as a place for doing business can be crucial for a business. Aspects to consider when studying culture in a new place
Global markets vary about their level of development. Also, the kind of products sold in each of these markets will differ depending on the degree of development. Language and cultural affinity are vital in global markets. Culture comprises everything from the way of thinking and doing business to the consumption arrangements of the people. Therefore, understanding the culture is essential as it accords clues on how to do business in such nations. In some countries, there exists a natural hostility to foreigners as well as foreign business. Also, culture commands the approach to dealing. For instance, in the United States as well as Western nations, they are approaching in communicating their lack of ability to accept the products, whereas, in the eastern nations, they are more circumspect (Havaldar, 2014). Aspects including punctuality, the procedures as well as civilities in carrying out business, the negotiation course, and even dressing differ from culture to culture, and these aspects should be understood to succeed in such a setting. One different between the western and eastern nations is that the countries of the east tend to be punctual an aspect that can be
Cultures are varying among different parts of the globe. People with different cultures have different characteristics and viewpoints on the subjects due to diverse understanding and method of learning. During the past few decades, the international trade grows in a very rapid rate due to the advantages that it provides; “increased sales, operational efficiencies, exposure to new technologies and broader consumer choices” (Heslin). Therefore, when considering the culture aspect to current business world, it is crucial for business to understand the culture aspect because of the tremendous growth of international business as well as utilize the international market to its maximum
There are significant cultural differences between Japan and the United Kingdom that need to be taken into account when doing international business. There are also a number of methods and systems by which these differences have been described. These include the Geert Hofstede cultural dimensions, Trompenaars seven dimensions of culture and the Globe Project's cultural dimensions. This paper will discuss these differences and similarities, and shed light as to the best approach to international business in these countries.
Transport plays a critical role in the supply chain and according to Bhattacharya et al. (2014) it is becoming one of the key components of the whole supply chain valuation for many organizations. Transportation is the movement of good from one location to another. Supply chain is a network of individuals, organizations, activities, resources and technology that is involved in formation and sale of a product, which is from the delivery of source materials from the supplier to the manufacturer, through to the end user. Hopkins (2007) states that supply chain professionals look at whole business procedures, which is from raw materials to manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing. And by
Subject : Appraisal of a MNE's recent market entry (2007-2010) ( 1. Firm Motivations for internationalization 2. Entry Strategy 3. Corporate Strategy)
International business contains all business transactions private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics, and transportation that happen between two or more regions, nations and countries beyond their political limits. Generally, private companies undertake such transactions for profit governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities which involve cross border transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources includes capital, skills, and people. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, and construction.
According to the works of Chaney & Martin (2011) and Harris & Moran (2000), they agree that international management skills are in need for the increasing scope of international trades and investments. A large number of multinational companies have expanded their businesses through both developed and developing countries. Some of the business invest directly and others are partnership arrangements and strategic alliances with domestic operations. Their studies show that independent entrepreneurs and small businesses have started investing and competing in the world marketplace. Thus, to acquire corporations’ objectives, there is exceedingly a necessity for the development of strategic framework for cross-cultural management and communication in the current competitive global market. Chaney & Martin (2011) also noted that, cultural awareness and cultural differences are strongly important to the multinational corporations’ success. A good understanding of the culture where business is implemented can make international managers productive and effective.
DOING BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY DOING BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY The Guide to Cross-Cultural Success Second Edition Danielle Medina Walker Thomas Walker Joerg Schmitz McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San