
International Informative Speech: International Adoption

Better Essays

“The Great Works of Adoption”

Topic: International Adoption
Organization: Topically
Specific Purpose: In my speech, I’m going to discuss the agency I was adopted from, the process and requirements to adopt someone from China, and my personal experience of being adopted.

I. INTRODUCTION Attention getter: What if one day you woke up, and realized that your parents weren’t your biological parents? Relevance: Well, this is what happened to me when I was four years old. I want my audience to be educated on adoption, that way if they ever encounter someone who wants to adopt or if they’re considering it for themselves, then they will have a better understanding of the process and the requirements for adopting a child. Credibility statement: …show more content…

Transition to 1st main point: For starters, the family will need to locate a prestigious adoption agency.

II. BODY Point #1: The Great Wall of China’s Agency headquarters in Austin, Texas, linked up with its sister office located in Beijing, China.
According to the, The Great Wall of China Agency’s sole purpose is to give these families a child while creating a life changing experience that they’ll never forget (gwca, 2015).
The agency is unique compared to all of the others, because it’s the only one that has special connections with Beijing.
Not only does The Great Wall of China Agency have connections, but they have training programs to make their employees the best that they can be for their company.
The employees are required to know multiple languages in order to communicate with a diverse group of people.
According to the Great Wall Adoption Agency, during 1996, China was quickly starting to advance its Civil Affair System focusing on all of the orphaned and abandoned children (Great Wall China Adoption, 2015).
In the same year, Snow Wu, founder of The Great Wall of China Agency, opened up the company in

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