“The Great Works of Adoption”
Topic: International Adoption
Organization: Topically
Specific Purpose: In my speech, I’m going to discuss the agency I was adopted from, the process and requirements to adopt someone from China, and my personal experience of being adopted.
I. INTRODUCTION Attention getter: What if one day you woke up, and realized that your parents weren’t your biological parents? Relevance: Well, this is what happened to me when I was four years old. I want my audience to be educated on adoption, that way if they ever encounter someone who wants to adopt or if they’re considering it for themselves, then they will have a better understanding of the process and the requirements for adopting a child. Credibility statement:
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Transition to 1st main point: For starters, the family will need to locate a prestigious adoption agency.
II. BODY Point #1: The Great Wall of China’s Agency headquarters in Austin, Texas, linked up with its sister office located in Beijing, China.
According to the gwca.org, The Great Wall of China Agency’s sole purpose is to give these families a child while creating a life changing experience that they’ll never forget (gwca, 2015).
The agency is unique compared to all of the others, because it’s the only one that has special connections with Beijing.
Not only does The Great Wall of China Agency have connections, but they have training programs to make their employees the best that they can be for their company.
The employees are required to know multiple languages in order to communicate with a diverse group of people.
According to the Great Wall Adoption Agency, during 1996, China was quickly starting to advance its Civil Affair System focusing on all of the orphaned and abandoned children (Great Wall China Adoption, 2015).
In the same year, Snow Wu, founder of The Great Wall of China Agency, opened up the company in
Adoption is the process in which a person takes over the parenting of someone else’s child and permanently transfers all the responsibilities and rights from the biological parent or parents. Giving up a child for adoption is a very difficult decision for a mother to make. Today, many children are being parented by a single parent, a grandparent, a stepparent, foster parent or other parent figure. Making adoption an option is done by providing loving, responsible, and legally permanent parents to a child when their biological parents are not able or will not take care of them.(Carter)
Whether you have learned about it or not, you have probably heard about the Great Wall of China. Eventually stretching more than 13,000 miles across northern China, it has become one of the most visited places in the world. The construction of this famous wall began under the Qin Dynasty. Shi Huangdi, (Emperor of Qin), had believed that the wall would defend the northern border against the Xiongnu, also called Mongols. Many would say that Shi Huangdi was more interested in himself than in the good of his own people.
This article will inform the reader on the psychological and emotional effects that giving their child up through open adoption has had on the biological parents. This will allow the reader to see both perspectives of the adopted child’s life that an open adoption allows for.
Mary Oliver uses the aspects of nature and humanity in her poem "Except for the body" to emphasize the subjectivity of beauty. Oliver recognizes that there could be something more appealing in the eyes of others, despite her greater respect for the natural world. The poem starts with a statement expressing the beauty of someone you love. " Except for the body of someone you love," it states.
Resilience Throughout Literature Malala Yousafez once said "The terrorists thought they change my aims and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear, and hopelessness died Weakness and fear may stop an individual from reaching their aspirations, however, hard work and resilience will ensure one will come back stronger than before. Harper Lees's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, set in 1930s Alabama, follows the life of a young girl named Scout Finch and her observations of her father Atticus Finch, a lawyer who defends Top Robbinson – a black man unjustly accused of rape – through a lengthy court battle. Throughout the journey, Scout learns about the prejudice and racism that surrounds her life. Similarly, Maya
The authors talk about their research of what has mostly affected the parties of adoption and how even the adoptive parents can struggle to feel like the child belongs to them.
In today's society, the idea of adoption is an open and welcome one. However, the biggest decision in adoption today is whether to adopt domestically or internationally. There is a very large growing trend in international adoptions today. Compared to adoption rates in 1987, in 2004 international adoptions had risen over 200% as compared to an 8% rise in domestic adoptions. After World War II, international adoptions began to rise because Americans began adopting European and Japanese war orphans. However, this was not the only reason for international adoptions. Desperate poverty and social upheaval such as the one child law in China, are factors that have led others to adopt from Latin America and China. Also, after the Child
In today's society, the idea of adoption is an open and welcome one. “When an adoptive family begins to explore the idea of adopting a child, it is easy for them to quickly become overwhelmed with information, questions and decisions” (American Adoptions, Inc). However, one of the biggest problem most adoptive parents could run into is whether they are wanting to adopt domestically or internationally. With the number of celebrities’ advertising the ease of adopting internationally and the publicizing conditions the orphans live in it makes American families want to adopt internationally. The number of children in the United States in foster care approved for adoption and the number of newborns born unwanted does not make the news so it domestic adoption is not as glamorous. Domestic adoption should be the first choice to help improve our country and give the children born in the United States a chance at a family.
Adoptive parents often decide to go with international adoption due to absurd argumentation. This leaves thousands of children in the United States adoption system; unfortunately, these children cannot stay in the government funded system
The countries which sent the highest number of children for adoption were China, Russia, Ethiopia, Columbia, and Ukraine. However, over the years, the total number of annual adoptions from these countries has declined steadily. A number of reasons are responsible for the decline, including tighter governmental regulations, bans on adoptions from select countries to select countries, as well as longer waiting periods and increasingly strict requirements. For instance, Russia has had a series of intercountry adoption scandals in the United States, including deaths of Russian children from child abuse by the adoptive families in the United States. China has made administrative changes and created difficult requirements for prospective adoptive parents to meet in order to complete an adoption and shifted mainly to releasing children with special needs for international adoption. Further, Guatemala is notorious for its multiple failures related to human rights abuse, including child
Select an example of a commonly used method of fingerprint development for a non-porous surface. After selecting a method:
All adoptive parents have to go through the same procedures to adopt internationally. Some famous celebrities that have adopted from Asia not just China is Angelina Jolie, who has Maddox from Cambodia and Pax from Vietnam. Meg Ryan, who adopted Daisy True from China. Finally, we have Julie Andrews aka Mary Poppins who adopted two girls from Vietnam. Again, not all people that adopt from China are famous, such as my parents. My parents brought home two Asian babies in 2001 and 2003, Chan Ho Kim and Liang Guo
For the story the Great Wall of China is a series fortifications in northern China that was built to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against the intrusion of various nomadic groups. The company has about 30 subsidiaries and 38,000 employees working for them. Taking a look at the products Great Wall Motors has to offer, it includes three categories of “Haval SUV”, “Voleex Sedan” and “Wingle Pickup”. Great Wall Motor has been winning a few awards. It has been listed in the “Forbes Top 100 Chinese Enterprises” twice, had gain honours of "China 's 500 Most Valuable Brands", "Most Valuable Listed Automobile Company" and "No. 1 of Top 10 Listed Chinese Automobile Companies".
When the average American citizen today thinks about the concept of adoption, what images are typically the first that come to mind? Although different people are sure to have equally as different experiences in this field, one picture continues to remain the most commonly-accepted. This image consists of a man and a woman who cannot have children of their own, a newborn baby, and a single mother who will certainly be unable to provide for the infant due to her young age, lack of financial support, or another variety of unfortunate circumstances. Making the decision to adopt a child is without a doubt one of the best options available for couples who are unable to conceive, but by thinking of adoption as nothing more than the fallback
Adoption is metamorphosing into a radical new process that is both sweeping the nation and changing it. But this process is not an easy one, there are many steps to go through. Through research it is made a lot easier. Adoption is a also a highly visible example of a social institution that has benefits from and been reshaped by both the Internet and the exponential growth of alternative lifestyles, from single to transracial to gay. It is accelerating our transformation into a more multicultural society; even as it helps redefine out understanding of “family.” The process includes three main steps including a type of adoption, the techniques for location a baby for adoption, arranging