
Internist Experience Essay

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I did not plan to be an internist- I did not actively search for this speciality. It was less of a moment and more of a natural curiosity that drove me to my fascination of Internal Medicine. The more deeply entrenched I became within my medical studies, the more clearly I saw myself as a practicing internist. However, I do remember the very moment I realized this speciality was my calling. It was the day I witnessed my clinical tutor carry out a full clinical history and examination. I realised taking history was not simply an exchange of questions and answers. It was more than just a dialogue between two people. It was an art. It entailed empathy, understanding and patience. I was witnessing a painting in the making where reaching the final diagnosis wasn't the masterpiece, but part of the process to produce one. …show more content…

The ward was filled to the brim, not a single bed was empty. The noise of pain exuded through the walls, the piercing screams of accident victims dominated the room as medical personnel scampered across the ward as they tried to tend to them. I stood in the midst of it all, dazed but electrified. A man lay on a stretcher, a few feet away from me, twisting in agony. I later understood that he was a stroke patient diagnosed with acute ischemic thalamic syndrome. A small hand gripped mine. As I looked down, big brown eyes met mine, staring up at me with fear. “Is my dad dying?”, she uttered, her voice cracking with emotion. I did not know what to say. With our hands clenched together, we stood in silence, gazing at the doctors trying to save his life. I did not know enough then to help the other doctors but I knew enough to stand by her side. That night, I was overcome by eagerness to not only expand my knowledge but also to deepen it. That night, i knew how my knowledge could serve humanity as well as alleviate

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