
Interpersonal Communication Essay

Decent Essays

I. Introduction AND Thesis Statement
Interpersonal communication is key to the life of a healthy relationship or marriage. Without communicating relationships and marriage will end failing. One of the biggest challenges with interpersonal communication lies in our ability to share our thoughts and concerns, conducted by feelings, desires, goals and needs, with another person
1) Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don’t have to list the objectives in this order, but be sure you cover all of them.)
A. In any relationship, communication is key. However, with any relationship there are going to be barriers that will effective communication.
B. Misperceptions iw a barrier in communication …show more content…

2) Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem.
a. Topic Sentence As an individual both most must focus your center of attention on learning who you are as individuals an understanding your self-concept, self-image and self-esteem. When you understand how you vision yourself and can express your views properly, then you can start revealing deeper pieces of yourself to one another.
b. Supporting Evidence: Understanding who you are allows for greater perception into communication competence in gaining respect for “communication appropriateness” and “communication effectiveness” or knowing your audience and having a goal in mind.
i. Communication competence in knowledge, motivation, and skill. ii. “Communication competence is an important interpersonal skill, and it requires awareness of our individual communication patterns” (Bevan & Sole, 2014).

c. Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. With communication competence, you can more effectively approach any situation that requires communication with purpose. Anyone can small talk, but it takes a skilled individual to communicate a message with a goal to be met at the end.
d. Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? Small talk is not where the relationship will be built. The relationship is going to grow and strengthen

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