
Interpersonal Deception Theory Research Paper

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Yaquelin Yanez
Speech 1318
Professor Cross
June 2, 2016
Interpersonal Deception Theory As many know, we lie to cover up things that we don’t want others to know. Maybe when you were a child you broke your brothers toy and when he confronted you, you lied and said you had no idea who did it, or maybe you completely try to change the subject. In a way, that is what interpersonal deception theory is, it’s an attempt to explain how individuals handle actual deception at the conscious or subconscious level while they are engaged in a face-to-face communication. And Actually This type of deception has 3 aspects such as falsification, concealment, and equivocation. However before getting into those different aspects I must first explain in more …show more content…

Sometimes I would tell my parents I would go out and study with one of my friends who was academically smart so they would believe me and let me go out while I was actually hanging out with my non academically inclined friends, thus deceiving them into letting me go out. I do believe in this theory because this is exactly what everyone does when confronted face to face by someone. Maybe you don’t want to hurt their feelings so you try to deny it or even you try to lie to them so they can believe you are a nice person. You deceive someone into believing what you are saying. I would like to add that a person who is deceiving must be mentally confident in their self when they are put in this type of situation. They must be prepared to come out as a confident speaker and know proper follow up responses from the receiver without getting caught in their lies. Also now with the advancement in technology we must find a new way to separate a truthful message from deceptive one since it lacks feedback and it increases the evasion of detecting the deception of another since it’s not face to face

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