
Interpreting Victoria's Secret

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Seductive and amusing, Victoria’s Secret has evolved into a company eluding a highly influential cultural presence around the world. Demanding the attention of its millions of consumers, Victoria’s Secret has expanded into a corporation that is presently worth $1.9 billion, and contains 670 stores across the country. ( 11.11.2015) Practically inescapable, the company’s vast portrayal and emphasis on physical appearance encourages its customers to place their values of self-worth on their outward image, and, as a result, creates a distorted association between being perceivably sexy and being empowered as a woman. Observed from its immense growth as a company, Victoria’s Secret flourishes through its use of marketing and …show more content…

As observed in everyday life, women are often not only purposefully, but independently, shopping around the store, browsing and purchasing intimate sets that boost her self-confidence and encourage positive feelings of sexiness. On numerous shopping occasions, husbands and boyfriends can be found closely following behind their women as they shop, implicating a switch in gender roles and associating women with a less conventional role of dominance and authority. In addition, Victoria’s Secret appeals to its targeted customers, women between the ages of 20-35 years old, by illuminating the achievability of youthfulness and sensuality, aiding in the common perception of female empowerment. However, these observations only serve to further support the belief that Victoria’s Secret serves to enforce man’s ideals by creating an unachievable image of perfection. In terms of physique and outward appearance, women’s persistent feelings of physical inadequacies are rooted in their [generally] natural desires to appeal and attract members of the opposite sex; thus, the provocative exhibition of women as seen in the quixotic fantasy of women serves to create an absurdly high standard. Resultantly, passivity and compliance, qualities that also fall within men’s delusional perception of womanly perfection, are supported and reinforced by Victoria’s Secrets’ campaigns, advertisements, and spatial

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