For Interview a Professor Assignment I decided to Interview Tao Xu. He is my Chemistry professor; he is teaching for 12 years. Also, he joined the Northern Illinois University on August 12, 2006, for many reasons but one of the main reason was family and resource. In 2006 he was an assistant professor of chemistry, biochemistry and nanotechnology. In 2012 he was promoted to Associate professor. Also, currently he serves as a Resident Associate for Argonne National Laboratory in the Materials Science Division.
Professor Xu was born and raised in China. He did his schooling in china and received bachelor’s degree from East China University of Science and Technology in 1995. After receiving bachelor degree, he deiced to move to the United States
Phil Yu is a Korean American blogger, speaker and writer. He is also the founder and editor of his own website called “Angry Asian Man” for the past sixteen years. His website covers news, culture and perspectives from the Asian American community in the United States. On April 5, 2017, Phil Yu came to Iowa State University to host a lecture about his website especially his journey to Asian American identity, arts and activism in the Sun Room located in the Memorial Union.
Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu was a Chinese American experimental physicist born on May 31, 1912 in Liu Ho, China. Going up in China, there was a lot of pressure on her for doing well in school and her parents because they were teachers and engineers, they encouraged her to more science and mathematics so they could teach her more. She went to elementary school that her dad founded and when she was old enough, her parents decided to send her to boarding school where she could get a higher education in Suzhou where she graduated top of her class in 1930. Wu later went to the prestigious National Central University of Nanking in 1936, and after graduation, she went to the U.S to continue her graduate studies.
Humans are complex and intricate beings. We all feel, think, behave and look different. However, psychologists and researchers have been developing patterns in how experiences and processes shape the way we are and how we handle certain tasks. There are many variables that shape the way we learn and remember, our attitudes and personality, and what motivates us. To better understand these experiences and processes, I will compare the same characteristics of my own to a young girl named Jenny. We are both close in age, background, gender, race and circumstance.
I had the pleasure of interviewing a good friend of mine and a co-worker named Vincent. Vincent is a 28-year-old from the Philippians. He is the youngest of two and him and his brother are part of his family first generation of children born here in America. Vincent has been working as a nurse for the past three years providing in-home services to special needs children. Vincent explained he enjoyed his job and get fulfillment from doing his job. Vincent did express some dissatisfaction with his job as of late because his clients are beginning to become more physically aggressive towards him leaving him with bruises and torn clothes. Vincent stated he has been thinking about joining the United States Air Force to gain more experience in triage because he would like to work in the emergency room or ICU one day.
An interview with Professor Kok was used as a foundation for the project and conformed to “preliminary research techniques” (Crosby, Diclemente and Salazar, 2006), practiced among professional health environments. This allowed the efficient planning of the overall Research Development. As the interview was a major primary source within the study, it was useful in supporting, contradicting and reinforcing ideas and concepts argued by various secondary sources. Professor Tuckweng Kok, who specialised in Clinical Virology, providing the investigative report with a professional and honest perspective of the prevalence of HIV. This credibility was reinforced, by the inclusion of specialist terminology in the interview, such as “nucleic acid sequences”,
The text Jaws is an American Thriller film released in 1975. It is a suspenseful, tense script that focuses on the use of iconography, narrative conventions and character conventions to build a masterpiece of thriller text. Through the use of these elements, Jaws becomes an effective example of the codes and conventions of the thriller genre.
Shao is not an average Chinese student, his family is wealthy and they live in Shanghai, one of
The person I interviewed for this project was a female named Barb who is 65 years old. This woman is about 6’0 in height and has a slender body type. Also, she has thick curly brown hair and wears glasses. Barb comes from a fully German background because both of her parents originally immigrated to the United States from Germany. Barb has 4 children which consist of two sons and two daughters. Also, Barb has 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Barb is currently married and she has been married to her husband for 49 years. Furthermore, Barb currently resides at her home in Minnesota with her husband.
For this assignment, I knew I wanted to interview a person who worked as some sort of child psychologist. I decided to interview a child psychologist because I am interested in working with immigrant children and advocating specifically for their mental health.
My second wish is to write a country song that can help families that have been affected by natural disasters. I think that it would be great to have a country song that every single penny made on it went to the las vegas shooting ang hurricane families that have been affected and lost loved ones. What is going on right not with the natural disasters and the shootings and the terrorist attacks. It think that if i wrote a song that got sung by a willing singer it would be beneficial that the money wrnt to them. I hope this wish would help families.
I believe Professor Ucerler might be the most interested in my research. Although, Professor Ucerler research is dated in a later time period, he has experience researching maritime exploration and could provide me with a lot of insight. Some other faculty who might be interested would be Melissa Dale, Dayne Barnes, Stephen Roddy, Kyoko Suda, and Genevieve Leung. Researching Xu Fu’s life would take the efforts of people from a lot of different areas of study. What happened to him, and the people on his ship is one of the great mysterious of ancient Chinese
The other day I got to sit down with my cousin Ashley Cuccinello and interview her about her college experiences. She grew up in Cicero, Illinois and moved out here during her middle school years. She graduated from Troy Middle School and Joliet West High school. ‘Cicero wasn’t the safest place to grow up, but my family made the best of the situation and always kept me safe” Ashley says as she looks back on her childhood. She is currently 25 years old and attends College of Dupage. Throughout her high school years, she was highly involved in many sports and clubs. She also spent her four years exploring her career options. When she graduated from high school, she started her career at Joliet Junior College for two years and then graduated and
Evolution is the development of different kinds of living organisms which have advanced from earlier forms during the history of the Earth. In other words, small modifications have occurred by the biological traits becoming either more or less common in a population as a function resulting from the inherited traits on the differential reproductive success of organisms interacting with their environment. Human evolution is a lengthy process of change, although scientific evidence demonstrates that the physical and behavioural traits of all living humans are extremely closely related. Numerous similar and uniquely different hominid species have existed throughout evolution, leaving Homo sapiens as the only existing hominid species
On Tuesday October 3rd my fellow classmates and I had another opportunity to interview a teacher. However, this time the interview went a little different than the first one.The teacher who we interviewed not only has taught students for many years but he has also been able to see other areas besides teaching. This has led him to appreciate the teaching profession a lot more. Mr Gibson, whose parents were farmers grew up in the Bronx of New York. He is a licensed lawyer who worked in the field for 20 years. After retiring from working as a lawyer Mr Gibson decided that going back to teaching would be best for him. So, that's what he did. Mr Gibson is experienced teaching in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and even special ed classes.
Having just started a new semester in college I am bound to meet some new and unique individuals throughout my classes. In my American Literature class I was recently assigned to Group 4, which has three other individuals in it. The purpose of this message is to describe a little about them so that you, dear reader, may have a working knowledge on who they are