Stanley Seat is a Biology major attending the University of Maryland. Throughout my interview process with Stanley, I found common themes of a person who would like to expand their interpersonal relationships through adventure and experiences. What I take away from Stanley’s interview is that he genuinely cares about helping others, and surrounding himself with people who would do the same. Stanley wants to grow up to become a doctor/healthcare administrators, and throughout the interview I saw important traits of a person who would excel in that role. Traits such as being a caring, insightful, strategic, and productive person are all traits found in his responses, and would be essential for his professional career. He hopes to work hard at the University of Maryland in order to get into graduate school. Although Stanley is extremely dedicated to his work, he doesn’t let that consume his life. When asked about the kind of people he would like to be surrounded by, he responds with “I like to be around adventurous people who know how to have fun and live life to the fullest. I don’t want to regret not doing something or always wonder what would have been.” This response really speaks to his ideology of a finite amount of time. I feel like he believes that you can’t live your life cooped up in a bubble. The only thing you have as a take away from life when you grow older is your family, and the experiences that you accumulate throughout your life. You can’t just sit idle while
The 1960s in America was a decade filled with controversy and calls for change. During John F. Kennedy’s time as president, an era of protest and rebellion was underway. Race riots, anti-war protests, and an uptick in drug usage plagued the lifestyles of many Americans. Lyndon B. Johnson ascended to presidency as a result of Kennedy’s assassination, and unfortunately inherited these problems. Johnson was successful working with domestic social and economic issues, but the inability to deal with the Vietnam and the political scheme scheme as a whole stained his resume as an effective president.
I interviewed a psychologist for my second field research. Sharon Epel has been a licensed psychotherapist for 12 years and has been a family and marriage counsellor in her own private practice. She has done extensive work with schools and has been a therapist to a variety of temperaments and personalities. I wanted to understand how she helps people, and what she notices about them in her sessions. I tried to create an informative interview that would benefit me by giving me a look into how people’s brains influence their emotions. I hoped that this interview would give me a solid understanding of introverts and extraverts and their differences.
For my In-Depth Interview paper, I chose to Interview my co-worker Senada Cufurovic whom I work with at Bank of the West. Senada finds herself culturally diverse as being from another country and culture. As long as I have known Senada from working with her for the past two years, I have never been able to get to know her background from where she came from until this opportunity to interview her came up.
The History of Baseball Equipment Did you know that baseball was once called "the national pastime?” So many people played the game as a child, or played softball. Baseball is also a democratic game which means that players could be successful with average height and weight. The equipment of baseball, bats, balls and gloves, has changed in many ways over the years. Baseball has been around since before the American Civil War.
Arc of the Ozarks is a local human service organization providing help to people in the local communities with physical and mental disabilities. The main local offices for the Arc can be found in Springfield, Joplin, and Monett, Missouri. Interviewing someone from the Arc could have been done over the phone, by e-mail, and an in-person interview. The in-person interview seemed to be more appropriate because it would allow me to interact with the people who work for the organization and possibly see interaction with clients. Interviewing one in person also helps to show the kind of dedication put into the work provided by the organization.
*For the purpose of this assignment and to keep the privacy of participates, the interviewee will be addressed as such, or as Person A.
Recent advancements in technology offer the organizations of today and the future boundless opportunities for improvements in service delivery. Although experts agree that the alignment of technology and the overall business strategy is both necessary and imperative, no clear path to optimum alignment exists. Christopher Nuckles, a IT Director I interviewed demonstrated full awareness of this fact. he and the company’s CIO, Matt Carey, and the executive IT leaders and displayed optimism the “interconnected retail strategy” they have for the company will ensure that Home Depot remains the product authority for home improvement. As part of the technical team that developed, enhanced, or supported several of the technological systems at Home Depot, Nuckles believes that the key to a successful technological future is innovation. Nuckles recognizes that the biggest hurdle for the Home Depot technology is the emerging e-commerce and he adds that Home Depot is ready for the boom. He explains that plans are underway to optimize the Home Depot mobile application entirely and make it available on all platforms so that the company remains relevant as technology keeps advancing.
We analyzed transcripts from semi-structured interview data originally conducted with human service professionals for a different purpose, that of describing their work in human services in an urban, multicultural environment. In an earlier study, we interviewed 77 frontline and administrative human service professionals across the United States who performed case management roles and responsibilities (Woodside & McClam, 2007). We used convenience sampling to identify agencies and staff to interview. Personal contacts, resource guides, and the Internet facilitated the identification. We then contacted the agency directors to arrange interviews with their staff. All of those interviewed performed the case management role. Interviews occurred
Over 4 years of extensive experience, knowledge, skills and abilities with providing services to people with varying socio-economic backgrounds, low income, including individuals with disabilities obtain services needed.
A personal interview with Patricia revealed first-hand information about her experience as a college student from an immigrant family that allowed deeper insight that could not have been learned from a study of statistical research. The following are some of her interview responses. When asked whether she identified more as Panamanian or American, Patricia said,
My first choice for an interviewee is my Mother. Her name is Karyn Claire Murray, and she is not a US citizen. She is a legal alien from England, but she has spent two large chunks of her life in the US. In her early twenties, she spent a year working at Disney World as a Cultural Representative in the EPCOT Center. She moved back to England after working in America, but at the age of twenty-six she married my father and moved to Northern California. She has now been in Northern California for thirty years now. Since moving to America she has experienced culture shocks, stereotypes, and segregation from her American family since she is not a citizen. She has gone through immigration, culture changes and self-questioning of what country she
Ernest Hemingway was an American writer. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. He committed suicide in 1961 in Ketchum, Idaho (Burges 17). Even today Hemingway is one of the most recognized authors in the world. Hemingway’s experiences during World War I are directly shown in many of his works. His general outlook on life is reflected in the adventures of his characters. It is clear that Hemingway had a desire to be part of the war even though, due to bad vision he was unable to enlist in the army and fight in the war. Instead he lied about his age and went to Italy to become an ambulance driver. While in Italy he experienced many things that he would later go on to write about in works such as A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the
Interviewer: “To begin, how did you manage to survive your childhood? Everything about your life growing up seemed so chaotic and difficult, yet you not only survived it, but went on to prosper in New York, despite it being a radically different environment than the one you grew up in.”
I must say, as a person considering relocating, this assignment really has made me consider quite a bit more than salary, schools, quality of cultural entertainment, neighborhoods etc. It reminded me to really examine the importance of a “good fit” for my family as well.
Conducting interviews is fundamental as a case manager. In order to understand more about good interviewing, I decided to watch an interview about an addict mother conducted by Dr. Phil. While watching this interview, I made some notes on attitudes and characteristics that I considered important for good interviewing. The characteristics will be presented in the following paragraphs.