The two videos from ‘This Emotional Life’ that connected most to my life as whole were the videos on Happiness/Intimacy and Cyberbullying. In my current life I feel that the Happiness/Intimacy video plays a bigger part than the Cyberbullying video. Whereas, the cyberbullying video would relate more to my life in elementary-freshman year of High-School. I found Elizabeth Gilberts speech to be absolutely fascinating. The reference she used made me think a lot about how I connect with others around me. In the video, she states that human relationship are similar to Porcupines in the winter. During the winter porcupines get cold and they're natural instinct is to all get together and share body heat. Their only major flaw in this is that they have sharp spines, so when they do all get together, they end up hurting each other. Because of the pain, they all move away from each …show more content…
When we are isolated, we try to make close connections. For example, my sister lost an ex-boyfriend due to suicide. Before this incident, she had relationships with good guys that treated her like a princess. Currently, she is dating a guy that is manipulating her into believing that he is not cheating. This could possibly relate back to her feeling of isolation, this feeling that makes her crave intimacy or as the porcupines put it ‘warmth’. In my current life I try to find a balance between isolation and intimacy. When I first meet people, I do not let them get close. I will not share too much personal information about myself to the point that I don't like to say my last name for a few months until I truly know someone. Once I know someone over a long period I consider them a friend/acquaintance. I like to be far away from people until I know that they aren't dangerous. For my future, I need to get closer with people quicker. I’m so use to waiting before I trust someone, that I need to learn to take risks when meeting new
One of the effects of the vicious poison of relationships known as lack of communication creates a side effect of isolation. Isolation is a position in which any human will make mistakes which they may greatly regret in the near future. This is exemplified when Ann is isolated at home and ends up cheating on John with Steve. After she has betrayed John she realizes of her
What can I take away from the experience of observing this video that will help me build knowledge and Self-Awareness in Therapeutic Communication?
I would like to start this analysis by first noting that she engages her audience during the speech. As Gilbert’s speech progresses, it seems less like a speech and more like a conversation that she is having with a close friend. . She engages the audience throughout and that makes her very easy to listen to.She smiles throughout the speech and makes good eye contact with the audience. She also laces her talk with humor at appropriate points. All of these things help to “shrink the distance” between Gilbert and her audience. They make her likable and being liked is very important for a speaker.
Overall, I think there are many aspects to this video that connect to the society we live in today. The video strongly highlights wants vs needs which is a growing problem in our society that needs to be addressed and instilled into humans at a young
One's friends and family serve a very important purpose. They are the people who both protect and care for oneself, making it important to keep them close. Being isolated from one's friends means that one is alone in life, which in many cases has serious consequences. Social isolation from one's friends and family forces one to find new people to trust, who then mislead them towards their demise. When one is socially isolated, the people who are close to that person will lose the trust that they have for them. The loss of trust between a person and the people close to them causes that person to be betrayed by others. The loss of one's friends forces one to search desperately for new allies. Being desperate for new allies causes one to become trusting and reliant on them. Believing what one's new allies say can cause for one to become overconfident of
I felt the Muriel Duncan video agrees with a philosy that I have about life. I have always felt that with enough effort and dediciation almost anyone can achieve the goals that set for themselves. Learning and education can continue through a person's entire life, you can can learn up until your last day on Earth. There is so much information available to people across that planet that anyone has the ability to educate themselves and learn new things if they put the effort into learning. Muriel showed that a person can be older and still find ways to protore education and achieve their dreams.
The videos assigned for this week were not only interesting but also intense, definitely full of vital information. I found the Missing White Woman Syndrome video very interesting, for it brought up a really important point, that being *fear of victimization. In fact, is has been proven that even though crime in the U.S. has declined, fear of crime is still a huge issue. However, I do believe that it is mostly because of the extensive coverage crimes get nowadays, mass media has influenced the way we consume news and their power has increased significantly. Moreover, as mentioned in The Hidden Meanings in Kids Movies, media can really shape the way our perspectives are formed and this is more significant since the new generation grow up consuming
I viewed the video several times and read the transcript several times, in order to identify salient incidents. I made notes on initial reactions of the interviewees and noted any non-verbal characteristics that could have an impact on the way the incidents could change my understanding of the interviews. Various themes were chosen, as being the main topics, described in the analysis these were (i) Work, (ii) Childhood (iii) Relationships. The transcript of the interviews was then highlighted, and each theme was identified using different coloured highlighted pens.
What is killing thousands of athletes? For decades, head injuries have been leading to the demise of athletes. A plethora of athletes such as Steve Gleason, Sugar Ray Johnson, and Lou Gehrig, have suffered from injuries pertaining to traumatic situations caused on the brain. Many athletes who participate in contact sports such as football, soccer, and boxing suffer from concussions, ALS and CTEs. However, these athletes are not informed of these risks, prior to playing. To protect athletes from head trauma, safety regulations regarding the head must be implemented, in order to reduce the number of these death sentences that are found in athletes.
I liked the video on the hookup culture. Everything she said spoke truth, because I can identify with the world of dating and how vacant it is. When I first got in my relationship, we hardly dated. I am not a romantic by any means but some one on one time can do some good for a relationship. I want better for my daughter and son. It is nice to know that we can teach them differently and show them that it is more meaningful to communicate and relate beyond sex.
After watching the video in class, it has demonstrated the view of three different generations from different time periods. In my point of view, each of the three generation had something special, meaningful, and something that should be a part of every generation in the future, because it is this generation is lacking positive actions our parents and grandparents used to do.
Going into isolation can lead to many issues and lead to problems: it can harm a person’s personality, they can become rude and abusive (Santrock, 2011). In this stage, it is important for a person to have an intimacy for stable relationships in life.
Intimacy vs Isolation normally starts at age 20, but for her it started earlier, she had many strong friendships with people. Even though most of them also went to different colleges and some are still around. She did lost contact with them. “I really don’t have too many friends right now, I just have people whom I known, but none of them are close friends. The only close people is my family.” She started dating a guy when she was in 8th grade. Since then she decided to get marry
According Canadian public health agency (2010), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that affects the human immune system, leading to a chronic, progressive sickness that leaves people susceptible to opportunistic infections. When the body no longer can fight or resist infections, the condition is at this point referred to as AIDS, which means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Averagely, it has been found to take more than ten years to develop from initial infection of HIV to AIDS. Though simple in description, HIV and AIDS is a dangerous disease that has by now killed more than 20 million people across the world. Basing on the report released by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, no cure for AIDS has been established to date, and currently there is no vaccine against HIV and AIDS infection. This paper therefore discusses the biology of HIV and AIDS, Back ground, modes of infection, clinical consequences, current research, preventive and modes of transmission, and diagnostic procedures specifically in N.America.
“More than a million species face potential extinction as a result of disappearing habitats, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans” (Berger). Climate change affects all living things on the earth and is accelerating because of human activity. Climate change is happening right now, scientists are trying to figure out what is causing it, what the effects of climate change are, and they are researching how the atmosphere has changed.