
Into The Woods Book Vs Movie

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The stage production of Into the Woods is better than the movie. The narrator, the tone, and the audience are all things in the play production that come together to make a better product. While the stage version of Into the Woods is better the movie production is still good. One of the best charters in the stage production is the Narrator. The charter is funny and entertaining. The charter is a bond between the play and the audience. In the movie there is a narrator but is is the baker, “James Corden” and at the end of the movie he starts telling the story of what happened, so it makes a cycle of the movie ending where it began. It doesn't make much sense this way because there are parts in the movie that the baker and the charter on screen don’t know about. Some people might think that the baker does not add anything to the on stage version of Into the Woods. That is not true because with the narrator on stage provides a useful service. The narrator is an impartial outside source that can tell the story of what happened to the audience in an unbiased …show more content…

Most scenes in the movie version of into the woods are more serious than the scenes that were on stage. There are lines that are taken directly from the play version and put into the movie that are not as funny. The reason for this tone shift is because on screen things are literally darker and there is not an audience you are watching with. Another reason might be the way the different actors play the same charter. The prince charters on stage are so exaggerated that it is entertaining, but on screen the people who play the princes are very serious and it affects the way the lines are perceived. People will say that just because the movie has a darker tone does not make it worst than the play. The fact that the play is more funny does make it better than the movie because something that is not serious is better that something that

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