
Introduction And Design Of The Study

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The human resource is considered as the backbone of any economic enterprise i.e., public, private or corporate. The term human resource management refers to the task of handling people who belong to different strata of the society, i.e., students, employees, employers, the self-employed, sportsmen, housewives etc. For the successful functioning of any business organization, finance, machines, materials and manpower or the human resource occupies a very important place. The term “human resource” with reference to an organization, refers to its employees. The human resource is the most dynamic and important and various kinds of resources that are needed to more the wheels of …show more content…

There is no generally acceptable definition about this term. It refers to the favourableness or unfaviourableness of a job environment for people. In simple terms QWL refers to the extent to which the members of an organization find the work environment conducive. It is concerned with improving labour-management co-operation to solve many organizational problems, achieving the desired level of performance and securing greater employee satisfaction. Quality of work life (QWL) is one of the major parts for the employees’ motivation in organization. The management in every organization should sincerely invite their employees to suggest ways to improve their operations and the Quality of their work life.
Historically, work has been an important part in the life of human beings. The management in every organization should sincerely invite their employees to suggest ways to improve their operations and the Quality of their work life. The concept of QWL is based on the assumption that a job is more than just a job. It is the center of a person’s life. There’s no question that the cultural conversation about work and around work more than hints at negativity. Who wouldn’t rather spend a month, a week even on vacation than at work. There are no doubt some people who would choose work every time, but most of are looking for ways to escape work because of the lack of quality of work life.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Service organizations

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