
Introduction:. This Critique Reviewed Littlewood, Strozier,

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This critique reviewed Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington (2015). Kin as Teachers: An early childhood education and support intervention for kinship families which evaluated the outcomes for the Kin As Teachers (KAT) program. The program provides early childhood services to grandparents and other relatives who are caregivers of children from birth to kindergarten (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015). The study was based on quantitative data and case studies of 83 grandparents and other relatives that cared for 188 children (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015).
The review of literature describes the dominant population of caregivers which were African American, disable, and low-income households …show more content…

The KAT model is measured by four types of interventions: home visits, developmental screening, case management, and support group meetings (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015). For the fourth intervention, the authors did not provide information on the time frame of the support group meetings or how many meeting that would take place.
Dependent variables for the study were the improvement of caregiver’s knowledge of early childhood development and the improvement of home and family environment (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015). The Kin Knowledge Questionnaire (KIN) measure a parent’s knowledge of child development while the Home Inventory Intervention (HOME) is focused on families’ improve learning environment (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015).
The researchers did not state a control variable for the KAT study however without a control group there is no way to prove the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, the researchers should have included a control variable for future research.

The sample of the study were 83 caregivers caring for 188 children to test “if the KAT program improves kinship caregiver’s knowledge of child development and age-appropriate family environment” (Littlewood, Strozier, and Whittington, 2015). A limitation for the study sample were the participants in the KAT program. The sample does not represent the true

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