Online Assignment Submission Birmingham Business School Student ID Number: 1389068 Program of Study: Mathematics with Business Management Module: Corporate Finance Assignment Title: Flotation Report Date and Time of Submission: Please ensure that you complete and attach this Submission Form to the front of all work that is submitted online. Before submission, please ensure that your name does not appear anywhere on your work, only your Student ID number. By submitting your work online you are confirming that your work is your own and that you understand and have read the University’s rules regarding plagiarism and the consequences that will arise should you submit plagiarized work. Flotation Report 1. Introduction Flotation means the processes that a firm would go through to change itself from a private company to a public one by selling shares on a stock exchange (Arnold, 2013). In reality, flotation is a quick and efficient way for companies to raise funds. Nowadays in UK, there’re three different company behaviors towards flotation: some companies prefer flotation on the London Stock Exchange, some might be dissatisfied with the market and choose to leave, while others would like to raise equity finance without being quoted. This report mainly discussed the variations in company behavior by studying several examples and tried to find out the advantages and disadvantages of these different actions. Furthermore, we could also make some suggestions for
Submit a hardcopy of the results of your online plagiarism post test to the instructor by the third day of class. If not received by then, 5 points will be deducted from this assignment.
Academic integrity: All work submitted in each course must be your own original work. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by your instructor. Knowingly submitting another person’s work as your own, without properly citing the source of the work, is considered plagiarism. This will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course. It may also result in academic dismissal from the University.
Higher flotation costs reduce investors ' expected returns, and that leads to a reduction in a company’s WACC.
Work which is submitted for assessment must be your own work. All students should note that the University has a formal policy on plagiarism which can be found at
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This plagiarism checker may help you because if you turn in plagiarized work in college, you may be kicked out. It may also benefit you by telling you what website you may have copyrighted off of. It will also be helpful to teachers who think it’s not in their students own words.
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Stephen’s first concern in creating a financially solid company was maintenance costs. It was commonly surmised in the airline industry that maintenance costs rise with the age of the aircraft. He quickly noticed
An initial public offering is the decision by a company to sell its stock to the public for the first time. In some cases, this process is described as a transaction with which an investment banking company generates investment capital though making the company to go public. One of the most critical aspects within an initial public offering is significant public interest because investment bankers generate huge fees depending on the amount of capital raised. Consequently, the interest of investment bankers is usually attracted by large or well-recognized companies. Initial public offerings are sometimes characterized with huge gains on the first day but they tend to flop when the financial market is cold.
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