Introduction to Research
Research is a high-hat word that scares a lot of people.
It is a welcoming attitude towards change.
The research state of mind can apply to anything. It is a problem-solving mind.
What is Research?
Research is defined as a careful, systematic study in a field of knowledge, undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles (Webster, 1984).
Research is defined as a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem, to validate or test an existing theory.
The Value of Research
Research helps professionals by providing information to make decisions, or to perform their functions more effectively.
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Certain factors are “assumed” to explain or contribute to the existence of a problem or a certain condition or the variation in a given situation.
The researcher usually uses a theory or a hypothesis to account for or explain the forces that are “assumed to have caused” the problem.
For example, relationships between the following pairs of variables can be studied:
1. Gender Grades
2. Knowledge about cancer compliance with medical regimen
3. Educational attainment repayment status of cooperative members
Intervention or Experimental Research
The intervention or experimental type of research evaluates the effect or outcome of a particular intervention or treatment.
It studies the “cause and effect” relationship between certain factors on a certain phenomenon under controlled conditions.
The following examples of research topics fall under the explanatory or correlation category:
1. “The Effect of Different Levels of Applied Nitrogen on the growth and Yield of Rice”
Experimental vs. Non-experimental Research
Experimental research
Treatments are given to subjects
Cause-and-effect questions
Non-experimental research
Treatments are not given to subjects
Participants are observed as they naturally exist
Other Dichotomies of Research
There are other classification of research:
1. Pure or Applied
2. Exploratory or Explanatory
3. Quantitative or Qualitative
Pure Basic
Attempts to describe an existing situation and/or explain certain
Research allows us to better understand what is unknown, how a human thinks, why a dog barks when they hear a stranger approaching or that the earth is round and not flat. Research allows us to find answers to the questions we have. Research attempts to both understand and define. There are three kinds of research; Explanatory; Exploratory and Descriptive research. Explanatory, Exploratory and Descriptive research define what research is; Research is the attempt to explain, explore and describe (Neuman, 2006, 24).
WHAT IS RESEARCH? It is a planned process whereby information is collected for a specific purpose, analysed and reported.
Experimental research concentrates on how and why something happens. It is the evaluation of how an independent variable (a manipulated factor) affects a dependent variable (an observed factor). The outcome can be affected by a number of elements; obtaining random and representative samples of the study population, experimenter bias and extraneous variables.
Research can be used in many methods, for example: questionnaires, television, leaflets, books etc. it allows us to keep up to date on the new findings or discoveries e.g. a new type of cancer or a new vaccination. Research is the investigation into
Research is primarily an investigation. Researchers and scientists gather data, facts, and knowledge to help better understand phenomenon, events and people. Through research, analysis, investigations, and experimentation, we gain a better understanding of our world. As I skimmed the text to find a definition, I found the word research several times on several of the pages in the first chapter. Research is fundamental to any scientific enterprise and statistics is no exception.
Research can be defined as the search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, with an open mind, to establish novel facts, solve new or existing problems, prove new ideas, or develop new theories. Research can be divided into different steps in order to understand the whole process more in depth. The first step towards conducting research is to observe. Consistst of the subject area of ones interest and following that subject area to conduct subject related research. The subject area should not be randomly chosen since it requires reading a vast amount of
Also research is used to be able to see and review the different patterns of different diseases. Research is also used for quality assurance; this is gathering feedback from service users about the services that they have used and then being able to be used to improve services.
In defining quantitative research the term can be dichotomized. Firstly, research refers to creative, systematic work with the intention to increase the knowledge of man and thereby devise new applications (OECD, 2002). In addition Gray (1997) stated that research should improve performance and that the results should be
Research. An action presumed as helpful that can give you a lot of information on topics and subjects you are interested in or forced to do a project on. It can also give you background information and insight on the matters you are looking up. Although research is supposed to be helpful, that is not always the case. This is especially the case when it came to researching the book "First They Killed My Father" by Loung Ung.
The famous German physicist Albert Einstein once said, “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” Often in the classroom and life in general, many people assume that in order to research something, a person must first understand it, but that simply is not the case. The whole concept of research stems from human’s natural response to the unknown and the desire to understand it; almost all humans have used research to comprehend and attempt to solve problems. Personally, I have used research a great deal for personal and educational reasons. In high school, I used research for historical and literary papers, in order to better understand concepts, and to discover resources for almost every class. I also
According to Depoy and Gittin, research is a way individuals think about problems in systematic way. Research is generally described as description, exploration, analysis, prediction and problem solving. There are different types of research and these researches are called the experiments, quasi-experiments and non-experiments. The purpose of research is to provide the insight to practice, it also enhance individuals understanding as well as developing new approaches with different topics, get to test your research for effectiveness. Understanding research is important because it helps to build individuals knowledge bases and informs decision making in practice. Research also enable us to make sure that our practice are up to date with relevant information.
Research is a form of systematic inquiry. It sets out to answer questions through assessing, summarizing and drawing conclusions from what are often very large amounts of information.
In this type of research investigators attempt to determine the cause or consequences of differences that already exist between or among groups of individuals.Causal-comparative research is an attempt to identify a causative relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.
Today’s managers have a growing need to understand scientific findings and incorporate them into decision making. Research always facilitates effective management. At many government organizations research drives every aspect of major decision making. In some organizations, research is so fundamental that management makes hardly any significant decision without the benefit of some kind of research.
What I have learned about research is that it is a process, a scientific process that psychologist and scientist develop that includes many different approaches and that is carefully peer reviewed and evaluated. There is what is called the Scientific Approach where scientist have an idea or theory and based on their observation will either support the theory or the theory can be falsified by their peers. Data also goes through a review period before it is published in a scientific journal by scientist who have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate it.