
Invention Of The 19th Century Has Affected Modern Society

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“The Cars we drive say a lot about us “(Shelby 120). No invention of the 19th century has affected everyday life of America as the automobile. This idea of an “automobile”, took Henry Ford to develop a useful gadget, accessible to the American public. Ford commonly used his idea of the assembly line to produce massive amount of cars in such little time. Today the automobile is present in the 20th century of everyday life from (1) getting to work, (2) Going to the store, (3) Dropping off kids. The possibilities are endless of how much this invention has effected modern society.
Today we see the social effects of what the automobile has done. Obviously, freedom of choice encouraged several family vacations to places that were once seen as impossible. Urban dwellers had the opportunity to travel amongst pristine landscapes, and rural dwellers could now shop in cities. Teenagers occupied more freedom from their parents, but came with a cost of having more responsibility. The automobile caused growth of suburbs, which allowed people to live on the outskirts and able to commute with each other from rural areas. …show more content…

Cadillac can be seen as having high status opposed to one with a Fiat automobile. As automobiles grew larger, fancier, and more expensive, commercials became livelier and employed visual trick ads. Using such tactics to great effect, the automobile industry grew with 65 billion dollars in sales. Automobiles effected the industry of television immensely by being the magic machine of selling products. Popular companies such as GM spent millions of dollars on advertisement for their automobiles. The idea of safety was not what the automobile industry appealed to, style was. “Safe cars appeal to squares” (Mitchell

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