
Inversion Of Public And Private Life In Julius Caesar

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In act 3 Scene 4, the relationship between Antony and Octavia is presented to us through the means of the conversation that they have about the arising conflict between Antony and Caesar. Although short, the scene manages to present to us the relationship of Antony and Octavia as a comparison to Antony’s relationship with Cleopatra and further the inversion of public and private life, as Antony only discusses public life with his wife Octavia and private with Cleopatra. This scene is significant as the relationship between Antony and Octavia is portrayed to portend the conflict and the future war between the two polar opposites, Egypt and Rome and the allowance of Antony to focus on duty and honor which was lost with Cleopatra as he was indulged …show more content…

Throughout this Scene, Antony and Octavia do not talk about their private life and only discuss the public issues, even when they are alone together. This is shown by their persistent talk about duty and honor of Antony with his wife Octavia and the fact that it was not common for the husband and wife to talk about their public life, whereas Antony only discusses private life with Cleopatra. The fact that Octavia acts as the “reconciler” between Antony and Caesar also indulges her into their public life that further justifies the point that there is an inversion of private life with Octavia and that even in the only private scene of the play, they talk about public affairs. The inversion is further shown by, “O my good lord, / Believe not all, or, if you must believe, / Stomach not all.” From this line we see that Octavia cares about Antony, nonetheless the fact that she means the news, justifies the point that there is an inversion and that even when they are alone together, Octavia talks about the news and public affairs around them. Furthermore, the effect that Octavia says this privately to Antony, refers to the fact that their relationship is only based and was made due to public affairs, when Antony married Octavia to sign and agree to bond to Caesar closely, as they were against the same enemy, whereas with Cleopatra, Antony discusses private issues as he is in love with her. This is showcased by, “There’s beggary in the love that can be reckoned.” Shakespeare shows through these words Antony’s love to Cleopatra, that he does not want to measure the extent of love. The significance of putting this in the first scene of the play is to shows the strong love and bond between Antony and Cleopatra and that the play ends with them dying together, signifies that the whole play is actually revolving around their relationship and the relationship of Antony and

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