
Investigating Related Factors to Teenagers’ Delinquency of Shiraz According to Social Control and Differential Association

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International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences. Vol., 2 (2), 133-141, 2013 Available online at http:// ISSN 2322-424©2013 Victorquest Publications

Investigating Related Factors to Teenagers’ Delinquency of Shiraz According to Social Control and Differential Association Theories *Bijan Khajehnoori1 , Habib Ahmadi2, and Saeed Keshavarzi3 1- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Science, Shiraz University 2- Professor of Sociology in Shiraz University, Department of Sociology, Shiraz University 3- MA student in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Shiraz University *Corresponding Author Email: Abstract Present study is to examine the effect of the family atmosphere, deviant …show more content…

Knowing the familial nature and their function decreasing the delinquency may help considerably related programmers. On the other hand, the teenagers become member of the groups (Such as peer groups) other than their family. Peer groups and friends are the examples acceptable to one for his (her) words, deeds, behavior and character. One is obliged to accept others’ norms and values in order to socialize and communicate with them. The teenager often identifies his (her) behavior with his (her) friends’ models and is influenced considerably by them. The teenager rejected by the family is influenced by his (her) friends and peer groups to compensate his (her) mental deficiencies and find their protection and confirmation ; he (she) searches for someone(s) like his (her) self so perhaps does something antisocial and criminal up on his (her) friends’ instigation; otherwise , he (she) is rejected by the group. Such reactions play an important role in shaping personality during puberty (Ahmadi, 2010). Many scientists have emphasized on the importance of the three groups: parents , siblings and peers ( Patchin, 2006; Hirschi, 1969; Eith, 2005; Siegel, 2008); it seems if these groups are examined simultaneously and if one knows their interactions and their influences on the teenagers’ delinquency , it is possible to find clearer mechanisms to challenge the

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