Investigate the pedagogical affordances of smart phone and web 2.0 Executive summary This report provides research conducted on undergraduates/post graduates programme students at university of Westminster. It overviews the usage of smartphone in promoting mobile learning. The aim of this report was to investigate the concept of m-learning and the extent to which it is being implemented in the higher education to educate students as well as what I held in for the future in terms of mobile learning. Introduction The pedagogical Affordances of Smartphone and Web 2.0 Mobile technologies play a vital role in students’ academic lives. This is research on pedagogical affordance of device like smartphones, tablets and e-book. This research illustrates how these devices of smartphone and mobile 2.0 has transformed and engaged the student in various courses. Osman et al. (2010) stated “learning by means of wireless technological devices that can be pocketed and utilized wherever the learner’s device is able to receive unbroken transmission signals.” Whereas Sharples et al. (2007) argues that “learning supported by mobile devices such as cellular (mobile) phones, portable computers, and personal audio players”. Mobile learning • “Any activity that allows individuals to be more productive when consuming, interacting with, or creating information, mediated through a compact digital portable device that the individual carries on a regular basis, has reliable connectivity, and fits in a
Throughout history there has been times when empire building and expansion were very popular. During the Early Modern Era, from 1450-1750, this occurred a lot. The European, Russian, Chinese, Mughal and, Ottoman empires were all being built around the same time. An empire is a group of states or countries under one supreme ruler. When the empire is divided by an ocean or has part of it distant from the other, the part away from the mainland is known as a colony and the homeland is the Mother Country.
Ciampa, K. (2014). Learning in a mobile age: an investigation of student motivation. Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(1), 82-96. doi:10.1111/jcal.12036
"The prolonged low-interest rate environment is transforming the banking industry from savings and loans to service and loans," said Dan Geller, executive vice president of research firm Market Rates Insight in San Anselmo, Calif. (Fitzpatrick) Consumers may think that the continued low interest rates are a profound thing, but banks on the other hand think much differently. Consumers are refinancing their houses at rates as low as 2.875%, while big banks like Hudson City Bancorp Inc., a mortgage lender, are being forced to sell themselves to M&T Bank Corp. These super low interest rates are complicating the industry’s journey to a recovery from the financial crisis. In the article” Low Rates Pummel
Phones are easy to use and very accessible by both students and teachers. “Smartphones allow us to take down notes any time, any place.” “smartphones allows you to access resources and material quickly before an exam.” “not only can we make videos, but we can also edit them, add text, filters, effects and more.” This is true because smartphones really do work in a way that is helpful to students and teachers. This evidence is supporting it by just stating that there are many cool and useful ways to use them.
Laurie feels strongly about people attacking her for writing about the reality of the world. She states,” Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.” She means that people who are ignorant and fear reality use censorship as a shortcut instead of explaining their experiences and knowledge. Furthermore, Anderson believes that adults and parents should be held accountable for teens who do not know the hardships and problems that they can get into if they are not careful. She does not imply that it is an adult’s fault for the child being in the situation, but their fault for their kids not knowing how to react to circumstances. Progenitors need to provide safe alternatives to information that needs to be learned.
Mobile devices have become the gateway to personal working and learning environments that facilitate the exploration of new subjects and ideas at a pace that is suitable to each learner (Johnson et al, 2014). They allow the learners to take ownership of their learning. Education researchers have highlighted BYOD as the best practice to accommodate personalised learning as it provides the conditions to foster student-centred learning. Studies that have looked at one to one technology use in have shown that students’ performances are improved; students felt a sense of ownership and had a positive influence on the students, subject knowledge (Johnson et al, 2014).
Mobile has revolutionized the education sector, if you get an iPod for free how will it? But first you have need to learn how to use it. Many Institutes in America have introduced programs for students that use these electronic gadgets for the purpose of learning which according to the author is called M-learning. Author states many students are now using these smartphones and other PDA’s containing different applications which are easily accessed to the Web-based services in different area of education like geology etc. Many Teachers and instructors have become familiar of it, so they are improvising such modules that
Cell phones have advanced in technology tremendously over the years. There has also been some contradiction as whether or not cell phones should be banned in schools. Some people, such as the author(s) of “Schools Review Cell Phone Bans,” (2009) say that cell phones are a distraction to students while trying to learn; while other authors, such as the author of “Cell Phones in the Classroom,” (2010) Marie Bjerede, say that cell phones offer students the ability to branch out of text books and retrieve information from the internet right from a smartphone. When interviewed, Hunter Khaleghi, a student
Also, the sophomore Harshini Rampersaud says that “cell phones can definitely be used as an educational tool.” this statement is logical because there are many ways cell phones are fantastic learning tools. One way it can be a decent learning tool is that there are great apps that are only available for cell phones to download. For example,“Brain Tuner” and “Formulas” are apps only available on cell phones and are great for studying math. Also, cell phones are great for assignments outside of school. Many students can use their cell phones for their homework, studying, and checking emails put out by the teacher (or emailing the teacher) every day. In addition, a
As a student, I think that if lessons were like these we probably wouldn't even want to look at our phone. Although, that is my opinion. Personally i think that these lessons are different and engaging unlike some digital lessons on the smartboard at school. And in a final way as to why having face to face ongoing lessons are better, they actually help us more. And as shown They help us more with coordination and skills we will need. One student Finn Heilig from this Silicon VAlley school tells about how he actually also prefers paper and pencil lesson, ‘Finn Heilig, 10, whose father works at google, says he liked learning with pen and paper - rather than on a computer - because he he could monitor his progress over the years” . And personally I really agree with this because in my class a lot of tools are digital, not only are our writing lessons, but its seem to start that math and reading had become really digital too now. And if we t0ok away technology we could value these skills more. And that is why I think that we really should not lift the cell phone
The last two decades has witnessed the rapid evolvement of mobile technologies. The penetration of portable devices (smartphones and tablets) and the expansion of potential learners has made the mobile assisted language learning (MALL) possible. Although there is no explicit definition to the concept of MALL, it can be interpreted as learning languages with aids of mobile technologies such as mobile phones, media players, PDAs, smart phones, and tablet computers, which are potentially available anytime and anywhere (Duman et al., 2015). The concept of MALL has evolved from using of such on-the-go devices only to learning
In the 21st century, technology is becoming an essential to our everyday life. Even kids these days as young as three to four years old knows how to use an ipad or an iphone. So society has made use of the technology we have today for learning. It has moved on from the traditional classroom and whiteboard style to online learning with the supplementation of the mobile phone. There are various benefits of online and mobile learning however there are benefits that the traditional method of learning that technology cannot overcome.
Mobile phones are the communication device that can connect people with others in any places. Students nowadays rely on mobile phones as their communication devices with friends and parents. Some of them think mobile phones as a learning tool. Are they really essential as a learning tool? This essay will argue that mobile phones are a necessary tool for education but also they are not necessary tool for education. Firstly, it will explain why mobile phones are a necessary tool for education. Then it will explain why they are not.
All students were able to fully use the system and teachers agreed it provided easy access to information. Students welcomed the help ALEX offered with homework and some students showed finding a place to purchase the device used. After prolonged use it was discovered that ALEX eased participants fear, facilitated the users experience with technology, garnered the feeling of independence and confidence in users and motivated users to learn more. The study clearly showed the substantial benefits from the use of Mobile applications.
As the quantity of information available increases exponentially and the general pace of life accelerates, the ability to navigate, access, validate and share information will be a pivotal skill in an increasingly complex environment. This skill will affect every part of a person’s existence, including everything from their ability to remain competitive in the workplace, to their ability to make personal choices about holidays, social activities and personal development projects. This article proposes four fundamental learning advantages that are gained more easily, or to a greater degree, through the use of mLearning than through traditional face to face instruction,