
Investigation Of The Construction Of Our Group Project Essay

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Group Number: #26 Group Members: Lo Kathleen, Pinede Romane, Tang Jia, Wright Nicole, Zheng Yijun PROBLEM SOLVING Incident: During the construction of our group project, one of our team members, Kathleen, became frustrated. She was only focused on the beginning portion of the project, which caused her to neglect other segments that required attention. For example, she was fixated on the dominoes portion of the machine, and each time it had to reset the individual pieces each time the marble did not hit each unit properly. She was also irritated by the fact that the machine did not perform the same each time. Kathleen was under the assumption that the individual parts of the machine would not deteriorate due to the repeated force of testing the project each time. Nicole and Jia became aware of this issue and addressed it by looking at the problem from different perspectives and came up with possible alternatives to solve Kathleen’s segment of the project. Competency: Nicole’s creative problem solving helped redefine the problem. She helped Kathleen alleviate her assumptions as a conceptual block and generated a variety of alternatives. For example, Nicole thought of replacing the problem segments with new materials, keeping the same materials but reinforcing them with other materials, or re-building the entire section with new materials. In this instance, Nicole explained that focusing on one aspect of the machine would result in compression; in other words, Kathleen was

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