
Invisalign Case Study

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Question # 1: Diagram Invisalign’s channel structure? Answer: Invisalign’s ordering Channel: Software Development Orthodontist Invisalign (Santa Clara) Invisalign (Santa Clara) Manufacturing (Mexico) Orthodontist Invisalign (Santa Clara) Orthodontist Customers / Patients Customers / Patients Invisalign’s advertising Channel: Orthodontist Dentist Customers Call Centers Sales Force Invisalign Media Question # 2: What channel functions and flows are performed by each channel member for the traditional braces market and for invisalign? Answer: The two channels used by the Invisalign are: 1. Invisalign Ordering Channel 2. Invisalign Advertising Channel 1. …show more content…

A treatment plan is created and in the next visit, brackets are cemented to each tooth and linked with an arch wire. The patient returns monthly for retightening and adjustments. At the end of treatment, the brackets are removed and replaced with plastic retainers. Some of the reasons why orthodontists choose traditional braces over Invisalign are credibility, cost and low level of patient compliance. 2. Invisalign Advertising Channel There are different functions performed by advertising channel. There are three different channels used by Invisalign for promotion, these are: 1. The sales force 2. Call centers 3. Media ads These channels are designed to increase the awareness in the customers regarding Invisalign and also to reach the customers through different ways. The target customers are the dentists, orthodontists and patients. These services are the part of marketing strategy of Invisalign to capture more and more customers through direct contact and through referrals. The sales force setup was used to target the orthodontists, who are the key focal point for the patients. Besides introducing Invisalign, sales force also used to train the orthodontists on case selection, pricing and how to use the Invisalign website and ClinCheck software. These types of trainings with orthodontists created a sense of security and care of Invisalign for

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