
Invocation In Popular Culture

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Msiconceptions on invoking are rife in popular culture and the media. From images of goat's blood pentacles to the four women in the popular film 'The Craft' acting as though "Manon" (the God they follow and consequently 'invoke') is their best friend and there only to do their bidding. This has spread further now the internet is used more as a way of communicating. The ideas of different means od invoking are varied and wide, the following is typical; "It now also means to cause, bring about, or effect. For example, 'I invoked my mother's wrath'." In fact, the reality is much different. Often used in Sabbat rituals (Drawing Down the Sun or Moon, for example) and different festivals celebrated by Pagans. The truth is that invocation is a union of two ethereal souls, a formation of two essences for a short time to increase the power and influence of any magicks performed within that time. Invocation, simply put, is the act of calling upon a specific deity to temporarily unite with the invoker so their two spirits may form a bond to increase the invoker's magickal energy. …show more content…

All too often the High Priestess or High Priest can become overburdened with the feelings of power and magickal energy such a union can cause, the most simple way to combat this is through a process known as 'grounding'. "Grounding properly helps prevent weakness, headaches, and the

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