
Involuntary Hospitalization

Decent Essays

Think about the choices you make in your life; whether it is what you choose to eat or how you choose to spend your free time, life often revolves around your own decisions. However, these liberties and freedom of choice often become snatched away from mentally ill patients when they are involuntarily hospitalized. Some believe it is right to force mentally ill people to become hospitalized against their will for the sake of their own health and the safety of others. Others argue that it is inhumane to compel someone to be treated while being trapped in a hospital room and that involuntary hospitalization should not be implemented. Due to its negative contributions to the overall welfare of society, involuntary hospitalization should not be …show more content…

“A suicide attempt predicts a 20 percent risk of another attempt” (Amidov par. 9) However, those 80 percent of suicide attempters who will not make another attempt will lose their liberty and be involuntarily hospitalized though unnecessary. Despite modern-day developments and innovations, doctors still cannot accurately predict who will make a suicide attempt in the future, so locking up individuals when evaluation and prediction of their danger to themselves are uncertain does not benefit the liberty and prosperity of numerous people in society. Some may argue that involuntary hospitalization may be necessary as they could have impaired judgment regarding their state. While this is certainly true as one’s ability to assess their own state of mind can be debilitated, there are better alternatives to involuntary hospitalization which protect the mentally ill and others in society. For example, “Assisted Outpatient Treatment is a court-supervised treatment in which people can live outside psychiatric hospitals under close care...80% of AOT recipients reported that AOT helped to get and stay well” (Assisted Outpatient Treatment par. 5). Mentally ill patients receiving AOT are not confined to a small hospital room and can experience liberty while under close supervision. It is difficult to determine whom involuntary hospitalization will benefit, but other alternatives such as Assisted Outpatient Treatment exist to provide care to mentally ill patients without severely restricting their lives as hospitals

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