
Iran Gender Roles

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Men and women of Iran are segregated in society, such as restaurants, buses, and schools. The whole aspect of defined gender roles relates to the subject of maintaining patriarchy. Islam fundamentals focus on traditional values of Arab society. In this case, men have always been in control throughout time. Historical context before and after the Islamic revolution provides a realization of how Iranian society and ideology was beginning to favor women compared to their traditional role. A society in the aspect of the patriarchy can “survive only by creating institutions that foster male dominance through sexual segregation” (Mernissi 32). Having established gender roles is the epitome of these created institutions, where women are seen as less and oppressed by society. They are seen to have fitna, inducing chaos and disorder amongst men and …show more content…

Women are “destructive to the social order,” and are considered “outside of humanity, but a threat to it as well” (Mernissi 44-45).
Due to social order and the perceived threat of women against men, social classes function differently between men and women in Iran. Social classes define an individual's social and economic status within a society. There are two main types of class mobility within varying societies; vertical and horizontal mobility. An individual can change between social class, either going upper or lower, depending on certain impacts like marriage or getting a new job in respect to vertical mobility. Horizontal mobility is the where an individual can change in positions without moving out of. Iran’s society has a sense of horizontal mobility. “The Letter” in Persepolis highlights aspects of social class and horizontal mobility. This part of the graphic novel focuses on Mehri, the Satrapi’s family maid. When she was eight years old, the Satrapi’s took her in. Mehri took care of Marjane and acted as if she were a part of the Satrapi family. Eventually, Mehri begins to fall in

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