
Iranian Sexual Revolution

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Although family law and official discourse still remain patriarchal, however, globalization, women’s movement activities, improving levels of education, improving new communication technologies and the implementation of modernization’s policies, have led Iranians to confront dominant sexual discourse through a modern life-style and they also try to customize the traditional perceptions of sexuality with new attitudes.
These transformations are remarkable enough to some scholars who called it a kind of sexual revolution. For instance, Pardis Mahdavi (2007) after her long-time investigation on the private life-style of a part of the urban youth in Iran, stated that in spite of legal prohibitions against pre-marital sex, homosexuality, dancing parties and alcohol consumption, contemporary youths in Iran oppose these constrains and make their own definitions of life-style and relationships. The writer proposed a kind of revolution to represent the new changes. Mahdavi (2007) argued that “the sexual revolution they believe, they are engaging in, is about changing sexual discourse, pushing the limits with regards to restrictions on social behaviors (such as style of dress, youth congregation, drinking and dancing) and attacking the fabric of morality under which the …show more content…

“Beside increasing the divorce rates and decreasing the marriage and fertility rates, the model of gender relationships has changed. Today women are active everywhere, in different areas of social, political and economic dimensions. The traditional model of the family in which male authority is the core of relationships is going to be abolished and women are challenging their traditional maternal roles. It seems that gender division of roles and duties are no longer as established as before. Family values are being replaced by individualism and pre-marital relationships are increasing” (Iran, Parlement report,

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