
Irena Sendlerowa Research Paper

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Irena Sendlerowa Irena Sendlerowa was born in February 15, 1910 in Warsaw, Poland, but she grew up in Otwock. During this time, in 1914, the World War I begins between Rusia, Germany and Austria, and Poland becomes a battlefield. Later, Irena’s father dies, when Irena was just 7 years old in 1917. As a result, Irena and her mother move to Warsaw. Irena learned of her father that everyone we are equals in all aspects. However, when Irena was 13 years old, she gets into trouble at school when she defends her Jewish classmate of bullying of other girls. This way, she continues forming its ideals and continues maintaining relationship with Jewish persons. Next, Irena marries Mieczyslaw Sendlerowa in 1932, so she gets the last name with which she is known. Shortly …show more content…

In 1939, the Nazis made a series of laws, where Jews are excluded of society, but Irena continues to help the Jewish people, giving out medicine, money and clothing. When the Nazis built the Ghetto for to separate the Jewish people, Irena decides to help the Jewish children. While the extermination process starts in 1943, Irena organizes places where she will help children. Shortly after, Irena is arrested and tortured in Pawiak prison. However, she maintained firmly and did not say anything, even with her fractured body. In 1944, Irena is sentenced to death, but she could escape to her execution, and she is hiding with her uncle. In the Warsaw Uprising, she becomes a nurse for the Polish Red Cross at the hospital and continues to help people. The war had been over, and Irena was interrogated by the Security Agency because they thought that she was hiding persons of the Home Army. Later, Irene was awarded with many prizes like “Righteous Gentiles” in 1965, “honorary citizen of Israel” in 1991, “for contributions made to saving the world” in 2002, and the Jan Karski award “For Courage and Heart” in 2003. Finally, Irena was awarded with the Novel Peace Prize, in 2007; and she dies in Poland

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