The first Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. came out in 2008 originally a comic book series and tv show remake. Iron Man starts off as Tony Stark a businessman on a trip for his job and being attacked and held captive until escaping by making the first version of the Iron Man suit. After there were many conflicts involving attacks with other robotic machines. American mythology writer Joseph Campbell suggests that most hero’s follow a specific pattern called the hero’s journey. In this pattern the hero leaves their regular life and plunges into the unknown with many challenges to overcome. They transform in the movie or novel and in the end, they return back home with new wisdom or reward. Iron Man follows the hero’s journey very well During the process of each step. Tony Stark made lethal weapons and sold them to dangerous group just to make money then, later he was on a business trip and was surprise attacked. Tony Stark was captured by terrorist after almost dying because of a bomb that was ironically created by him. He was taken to a secret cave where Yinsen, a scientist who doubles as a translator and prisoner, creates a device that protects Tony's heart from shrapnel from the bomb.This …show more content…
He doesn't completely stop, but he goes out with his assistant and live happily until the next movie. Tony Stark has survived the events in Afghanistan, built a device to sustain his life and a technological masterpiece in the form of the Ironman Armor, and now faces a press conference where he has been given a statement to read from the government agency S.H.I.E.L.D. This is his return because he is back in his own normal life while trying to perfect his chest. When Stark begins to read this statement he looks at the cameras and proclaims “I am
Jawed Atahi S3544141 Swimming Upstream directed by Russell Mulcahy portrays a story about a young man who loves to swim and tries to go to Olympic and to be an Australian Champion. The film illustrates Tony’s journey from childhood to an adult. Throughout the film Tony’s journey is being focused in achieving his fathers attention and love. On another level the film depicts a story about a father who haven’t achieved his own dream but to uses his sons to accomplish his dream that he never reached. Russel shows how an alcoholic father is dominating a family.
Even though this confused him at first and gives him a lot of strife he ultimately realizes that he doesn’t have to choose one way of life over the other. Tony realizes that he can somewhat marry the two ways of living together to create a unique individuality that gives his soul
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”(Joseph Campbell). Joseph Campbell showed how important hero’s are by creating the Hero’s Journey and that you can be a hero just through writing and showing it through different characters. A hero shows that you can help other people to make the world better
Joseph Campbell, an American mythological researcher, wrote a famous book entitled The Hero with a Thousand Faces In his lifelong research Campbell discovered many common patterns running through hero myths and stories from around the world. Years of research lead Campbell to discover several basic stages that almost every hero-quest goes through Many followers of Campbell have defined the stages of his mono-myth in various ways, sometimes supplying different names for certain stages. For this reason there are many different versions of the Hero’s Journey that retain the same basic elements. these steps are ;ordinary world : This step refers to the hero's normal life at the start of the story, before the adventure begins. Call to Adventure:
For the movie Iron Man, the whole movie focus on the life of Tony Stark, a billionaire, a technical geniuses, and he also own a weapon manufacturing company which was belonged his father. At the beginning of the film, his life can be describes as extravagant, but after he is kidnapped by the new-found troop, he has some changes on his character trait. After Tony survives from the new-found troop, he decides to shut down his weapon manufactory. Next, he tries to put his focus on the iron armor, he wants to make some useful products to benefit the society rather than keep his weapon business because his weapons in different hands will have different results, some of them bring disaster to the world. When Tony decides to attack the troop to save the innocent villagers in Gulmira, he shows he wants to become a better person. Tony tries to practice virtues in his life to become better human being, and these behaviors helps him to bring good life for his communities.
He didn’t get involved in the best way possible though. His grandpa and dad both volunteered in their community as firefighters. While he was picking up rocks with them, he saw a rock that they had missed. Thinking he would be fine, Tony jumped off the tractor to pick the rock up. The wheels caught his legs and he got dragged into the tractor’s axle. He broke both of his legs and could have died if it wasn’t for all of the community working together to help get him out of the axle. Seeing the community jumping to his rescue; he saw, first hand, how the fire department helped people. As an EMT, Tony is usually the first “arriving on the patient, and [is] the eyes and ears of the scene” (Maria Zagorulya). Since Tony is a pastor; he doesn’t get called out too often. The calls are usually just minor things such as a small car accident. Watching people has helped Tony to understand that helping people does good
In "The Hero And The God" we follow a character named Bhudda who leaves his very comfortable life for a difficult journey, and is rewarded with the title "Teacher of God and Men".An in "the myth of ORPHEUS and EURYDICE" a half mortal, half immortal man named Orpheus who can sing very beautifully. The problem arises when his wife Eurydice dies the day of their wedding when a vapor bites her. He is determined to get her back, and so he makes a journey to the underworld, in which he succeeds and woos Hades and Persephone with his magical voice. His only request is Eurydice, whom is granted only if he leaves with her trailing behind, but never looking back until he is out of the underworld. When he leaves he turns to Eurydice going back with the
Throughout all of history there has been stories and tales about heroic characters saving their societies, or even the world. Over these eras, the way these heroes have been illustrated has changed and been refined by numerous people. These stories are called Hero’s Journey’s. There are three main types of heroes; Epic Hero, Greek Hero, and Shakespearean Heroes. Over time their stories have been twisted and turned in many ways. All of these heroes have many differences and similarities. The Epic Hero being a great warrior while the Greek Hero is civilized and the Shakespearean Hero is more centered on the wellbeing of their people. This shows the evolution of each of these themes throughout time.
Deciding to save Dr. Yinsen before the terrorists were going to kill him: Stark risks
The introduction of Marvel 's first superhero team, The Fantastic Four, established the company 's reputation. The majority of Marvel Comics superhero stories were written by Stan Lee. Lee and Steve Ditko generated the most successful new series in The Amazing Spider-Man. Marvel 's comics had a reputation for focusing on characterization to a greater extent than most superhero comics before them. Take for example, Iron Man.
Oftentimes these extremely powerful weapons ended up in the wrong hands, like insurgents. When Tony’s convoy was attacked, a rocket lodged into the ground in front of him, bearing the inscription of Tony’s own corporation. Upon his return, having seen the horrors of his weaponry firsthand, Stark set out to right the wrongs. At his first press conference after coming home, Tony said, “I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero-accountability”. (Iron Man) He then proceeded to shut down the weaponry arm of Stark Industries. These actions are the sign of a changed man. Tony Stark went from war profiteering to whistleblowing for corrupt arms dealing.