
Is A Service As A Software ( Saas ) Essay

Better Essays

As a student, the first step to success is to physically sit down and study. However, a problem arises when students cannot locate study spots in an appropriate time or manner. Overall, there is an inefficiency in the market for study spaces. Some spaces, such as the library have high demand but lacks the supply to match it. Yet, other study spaces such as residence academic lounges are underutilised with supply exceeding their demand. With total enrollment at approximately 30,000 students, there needs to be an efficient way to determine what study spots are open, and where they are located.

To address this issue, we have initiated a service to help provide better real-time data on available study spots. Our idea is a Service as a Software (SAAS) to be delivered on a mobile platform. It will serve the student base as well as increase the effectiveness the University of Calgary’s (UofC) operational processes by improving the services they offer for students to study. Our application will link to load sensors installed throughout UofC in the chairs. These sensors are weight sensitive and detect when either a person or a bag, if someone were intending to reserve a seat, is on a seat. This information will then be collected and processed by analytical software and, finally, relayed out to student’s mobile devices. A green colouring will indicate an available seat or a red colouring for a seat occupied by a weight possessing object. As a secondary service, the app will connect

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