
Is America A Melting Pot

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Often times America is referred to as a "great melting pot" and in many ways it's true. With a population of over 320 million, from nearly every corner of the world, it is not difficult to see how this became a popular idea. Tales about a land of prosperity and opportunity have influenced people to come here from the beginning, bringing European settlers (mainly from England, Spain, and France) to colonize the land. Not to say that they discovered it, as Native Americans had lived there for thousands of years. The culture blending and clashing that occurred then has shown no signs of stopping.
During the nation's history many people immigrated to America for a number of reasons. Whether to escape war or persecution, to find work, or to reunite with their relatives, people have often come to America to improve their lives. When people move to a new country they tend to gravitate towards big cities in search of jobs. This creates cultural hubs such as New York City and San Francisco, where languages, traditions, foods, and families, all intersect and overlap due to share space. Americans pride themselves on being in a country of freedoms, where everyone can be who they wish to and have a chance at success. These ideals have been a driving force even if they don't always reflect reality. …show more content…

After the Treaty of Paris was signed France surrendered its territories to England, leaving a region with a strong French identity. Ten provinces and 3 territories make Canada the second largest country in the world by square miles. Individual cultures can vary province to province as much as it can from state to state. Much of the population is along the southern border leaving lots of space for agriculture and logging, especially in the west. In the eastern areas like Quebec and Ontario, there's a larger presence of fishing and

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