America is one of the most advanced and developing countries in the world! From being one of the world leaders in technology innovations and the U.S. economy being the largest and most productive in the world, America seems to be leading a busy life. But from living in an active life and working hard to stay on top, do Americans have it easy? To answer that question, I believe Americans do have it easy. From what I read in the articles, Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. For example, almost everyone in America has food toe at and clean water to drink, and based on statistics America is standing head and shoulders above the rest of the world, and compared to Third-World countries, Americans are living a comfortable …show more content…
If you compare America to other countries, you can say that nobody here dies of hunger and none of us have to deal with food insecurity and lack of drinking water. From what I've read, about one billion people do not have access to clean water or have enough food to eat everyday. In America, we get to eat 3 meals a day and sometimes in other countries they can only eat one meal or none at all. In America, if we cannot afford to buy food because we don't have the money or because of lack of job, we have the government to catch us. The government gives out EBT, food stamps, and cash benefits. In other countries, they don't have a safety net like we do. Nobody can help or support them. Although, there are organizations out there who are trying to give them …show more content…
For example, in the country of Ethiopia, citizens there struggle with political unrest, high poverty rates, and love education rates. Also, about 1/3 of the population in Ethiopia live below the poverty line. Furthermore, in Ethiopia, the base of their economy is agriculture, and the adverse affects of climate change threatens it. That could lead to population living below the poverty line increase. Another example, is Uganda. Even though Uganda is home to fertile soils, ample rainfall, and a number of natural resources, they still lack access to clean water and live below the poverty
Many countries have fast food and obesity problems, but America takes it to a whole other level. People don’t cook as much anymore and don’t eat healthily. They also don’t exercise. It’s pictures like this that have everyone wondering WTF and perpetuate stereotypes as to why so many Americans are obese.
Granted, American poverty is no match to third world poverty, but for such a prosperous country it is pretty sad. Most third world countries do not have social security or welfare (650a). So, the people of those countries have no income to keep themselves going. Even though America does have both social security and welfare, this country still has many homeless and starving people. Horten 3
This question doesn’t legitimately have a simple answer. Americans do have both hard and easy in its own ways. Americans have it easy with their freedoms of belief, speech, and many more that are protected by the constitutional amendments. America has it hard because not everyone is rich and there are everyday struggles within the household like money, bills, and more. I personally think that Americans do not have it too easy especially within the household.
Being an American “For the land of the free”, do these words sound familiar? Of course they do they are the lyrics from the United States of America’s national anthem. Now earth has countries that stretch from coast to coast. But few of the countries have the freedom that the United States of America. Being born American is an honor to many of the citizens, because this country has plenty of things to be proud of.
America is said to be one of the greatest countries in the world. Advanced technology, thriving agriculture, the so-called land of opportunities all obtainable in our beautiful America. So why then do we still have people going hungry every night? Why does such a disparity exist between a person who has an abundance of food and routinely discards food that is perfectly edible and one who digs for those same scraps in trash bins? At times, these people are living within a few miles of each other.
In order for something to be exceptional, it must be different than the rest of a group, and this is how America can be viewed as – different from the rest of the world. America is exceptional because it has the freedom of religion, an excellent educational system, and various aspects of individualism. One reason as to why America is exceptional is that it enables its citizens to have the freedom of religion. America is one of few countries that has sectarianism, or the devotion to a certain sect of a religion (Lipset). Sectarianism gives American citizens the freedom and choice of developing a relationship with their god.
What does it mean to be American?Well it all depends on who you ask, because everyone has their own opinions. Being an American mean has and had many definitions for many centuries. During WW1 being an American was helping server the war or help the war. In WW2 it was the exact same thing. Women in this age thought being American was having the same rights as men.
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
The United States is a nation full of millions of different types of people. However, each of those people has one major thing in common; they are all Americans. Many people wonder what it takes to be a true American, but the answer is something not so difficult to determine. Essentially, being an American means to show patriotism and pride of the country, to be very fortunate compared to other countries, and unfortunately, to show a lack of appreciation for all the great things America provides.
Defining what really is to be an American does not sound as easy as it seem. It will always be complex process. As immigration continues to fuel the growth of the population of our nation, racial and ethnic gap increase and evolve along with it. Racial and ethnic identities become more and more convoluted and difficult to understand. Race and ethnicity continue to intermingle and push a cultural shift in the US– a shift that plays a significant role in redefining America in a day-to-day basis.
When our forefathers established the American Constitution, they held the beliefs that all citizens of the U.S. should have the basic freedoms and rights, equality and security. These basic beliefs laid the foundation for our country. These ideas are still used today.
War, poverty, suffering, disease… These are all backdrops of humanity's darkest hours, yet we are strongest when we stand together. When efforts are united for a greater good, when benevolence and generosity override selfishness and fear. America has been a leader in benevolence and altruism, assisting those in times of hardship. The America I believe in is the nation I live in today: an America that runs on munificence which has been shown through humanitarianism and military support on many occasions.
Being an American cannot simply be defined by skin color, culture, or religion. This nation cannot be defined in a simplistic manner like many other nations. For instance, other countries define themselves by their accent or by the types of food they consume. According to Sarah Song, “To be or to become an American, a person did not have to be any particular national, linguistic, religious, or ethnic background. All he had to do was to commit himself to the political ideology centered on the abstract ideals of liberty, equality, and republicanism” (31). Therefore, being American simply means having the same views about equality, liberty and republicanism as our American ancestors.
Are all Americans grateful for the things they have? What if Americans do not to have the proper basic needs? Many Americans do face this situation and it is called poverty. The top three causes of poverty in United States are lack of education, unemployment and the high cost of health insurance. Americans can overcome the high rate of poverty and alleviate their struggles by maintaining and furthering their education which will lead to higher paying jobs and with good medical benefits.
While there are malnourished people in America, it is much worse all around the world, mostly in third world countries. There are three predominate reasons why third world countries are hit hard with malnutrition, 1) poor families aren’t given government help, 2) difficulties with economy and 3) higher food prices. (“2012 World Hunger…”) As stated in the website “2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics,” in the world there are 925 million hungry people, most of them in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. These people live on $1.25 or less a day. Minimum wage is $7.25 in the U.S., and most people work 8 hours a day, so that means they would be getting fifty-eight dollars a day. It would take someone in a third world country about forty-seven days to make what someone makes in America in 8 hours. And most of them spend that money on food and medical needs, but $1.25 is not enough. In the United States if a family doesn’t have enough money for medical help, they can still go see a doctor, but in other countries it’s very different. More than 30,000 children die per year from preventable sickness because they can’t go see a doctor. And as for food, Americans have access to food every hour of the day. The wealthiest 5th of the world consumes 86% of all goods, as stated in "Child Welfare League of