
Is America Is Easy Essay

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America is one of the most advanced and developing countries in the world! From being one of the world leaders in technology innovations and the U.S. economy being the largest and most productive in the world, America seems to be leading a busy life. But from living in an active life and working hard to stay on top, do Americans have it easy? To answer that question, I believe Americans do have it easy. From what I read in the articles, Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. For example, almost everyone in America has food toe at and clean water to drink, and based on statistics America is standing head and shoulders above the rest of the world, and compared to Third-World countries, Americans are living a comfortable …show more content…

If you compare America to other countries, you can say that nobody here dies of hunger and none of us have to deal with food insecurity and lack of drinking water. From what I've read, about one billion people do not have access to clean water or have enough food to eat everyday. In America, we get to eat 3 meals a day and sometimes in other countries they can only eat one meal or none at all. In America, if we cannot afford to buy food because we don't have the money or because of lack of job, we have the government to catch us. The government gives out EBT, food stamps, and cash benefits. In other countries, they don't have a safety net like we do. Nobody can help or support them. Although, there are organizations out there who are trying to give them …show more content…

For example, in the country of Ethiopia, citizens there struggle with political unrest, high poverty rates, and love education rates. Also, about 1/3 of the population in Ethiopia live below the poverty line. Furthermore, in Ethiopia, the base of their economy is agriculture, and the adverse affects of climate change threatens it. That could lead to population living below the poverty line increase. Another example, is Uganda. Even though Uganda is home to fertile soils, ample rainfall, and a number of natural resources, they still lack access to clean water and live below the poverty

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