
Is Beowulf Still Be Relevant Today?

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Can Beowulf, a story that has been told for over one thousand years, still be relevant today? Robert F. Yeager, professor of literature and language at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, says yes. In order to generate interest in Beowulf, Yeager describes its mysterious origin, its impact on others, and how the story connects us to the past.
Professor Yeager describes the mysterious origin of Beowulf to spark interest in the story. Two anonymous scribes wrote the story in the late 900s, however, it is believed that the story was recited orally centuries prior to this. If those journeyman had not written the story down, it is unlikely that we would be reading it today. Also, the manuscript seemingly fell off the face of the earth for five hundred years after it was written. In 1563, the book came under the possession of the Dean of Litchfield, Lawrence Nowell. At this time King Henry VIII destroyed the monasteries and libraries, so it is very likely Nowell saved the manuscript from destruction. Later, Beowulf was owned by Sir Robert Cotton, whose library caught fire in 1731. Miraculously, the manuscript survived the blaze. CONCLUDING SENTENCE HERE …show more content…

First, he states how the poem has been widely read for over one thousand years. This proves that the story has stood the test of time, so it is probably worth reading today. Also, we learn that the story has been taught in schools for a very long time. This shows that we have a lot to learn from Beowulf. Yeager also tells of composers, writers, and directors who found the story so powerful that they made art based on it. If Beowulf influences others to do amazing things, maybe it may influence you. CHANGE THIS

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