
Is College Education Worth The Time Essay

Decent Essays

Is a college education worth the time and the money? Is college more needed was we progress through the future? I do believe that college education is worth the time and money. I know that with a college degree you are able to make more money than a person with a high school degree. Also, more jobs will require you to have a college education. Since you will have a college education, you will have more career choices and the employment rate will be higher, compared to a student with a high school degree.
In a regular college degree you tend to make more money than a high school diploma. The average college degree makes $30,000 more a year. Also that a 2-year degree makes $170,000 more in a lifetime compared to a high school diploma. This more than doubles the amount of money a regular high school graduate annual paycheck. The bad thing is that college loans will cripple the graduate student. The average student loan is about $23,326 which no one has that kind of money. Well no one has that kind of money at first, but over time you will be able to pay it off. The education is well worth the debt because a hard working person can easily could get out of it. …show more content…

Since the statistics of college education are needed, then shouldn't the employment rate rise to. Well in April 2013 the unemployment rate for a college student over the age of 25 was at 3.6%. So compare that same year and month with a high school graduate unemployment rate at a 7.5% (and 11.4% for high school dropout). In other cases a lot jobs don't need the college degree. Yeah that may be true for now, but as we progress through to the future more jobs are going to require college education. I do believe that college is worth it the time and the effort, but it all depends on what you want for a career. For example, if you want to be a lifeguard all you have to do is go to a 3 day training and you have your dream job. In the end it's true that jobs that need college education is going to increase in the next couple of years. So the time and money spent on college are going to be well worth the effort, life will be

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