Is College Necessary
How Necessary is a college education? There is one big problem in schools and that is that everybody has been convinced that they need to go to college in order to be successful, but the truth is, you don’t. Almost 70% of the population goes to college after high school already. They do that because it is a guaranteed job and usually pays more money. Plus, I’m sure there teachers, parents, and other people pressured them into going. So, while everybody is going off to college for multiple years, companies that are involved in unions are looking for people. Those companies would hire a person with a degree before they would hire a person without but most of those people with degrees are looking to get involved in a career where they
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Most families or person’s don’t have the amount of money needed to pay for it upfront. In 2017, the average cost of a masters degree was between thirty thousand and one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. That number is just a nationwide average, the cost varies mostly depending on where you go, the program, the university, and what you are going to study while you are there. A majority of the time, the fresh outta high school graduate, goes out and gets there student loan and heads off to college. Fifty five percent of students who get a loan and enroll in college dropout before they get there degree. Imagine if you got a loan to pay for college, then dropped out. You would still owe all that money from your student loan, but you wouldnt have that good job to live happy and pay back your loan. Most people who do that, do it because they are brainwashed into going to college thinking that they have to go. Then once they get halfway through it, they realize they hate it and are miserable because they hate school and then they dropout. So if you choose to go to get ready to pay back your student loans for the rest of your life, even if you do get your
Ask yourself a question, is college worth it to you? If you answered no then in this case it will be beneficial for you to read this. When thinking about college you have to think more about what you want out of it rather than what you have to do to get through it. The skills that you get while attending college can be very beneficial to you. Having the critical thinking and advanced communication skills that you acquire in college. Getting a college degree and bringing what you learned to the real world will benefit you in your quest for financial success.
Many people believe that after high school it’s not necessary to attend college. But in my opinion, I think that college is necessary. Some people with only a high school diploma tend to struggle to find a good job. But with a college degree, there is a higher chance of finding a better job. There are many colleges that offer degrees and programs that last two
“In the United States today, there is no more certain investment than a college education”(Carnevale and Melton). Education has always been a major component of American society. One can only go so far without an education, and the more education and knowledge someone has, the better their chances of being successful. Some people believe a high school education is enough, and it is, enough to land a job at a fast food restaurant. I speculate they feel this way because they feel school is not for them, or maybe they just do not want to go far in life. To get far in life people must go above and beyond, and learn things that others do not know to make them
College started to be the direction many students take after high school. During junior year, all the teachers start telling their student to consider college and the major that they want to pursue. Correspondingly, the students start to take the SAT and ACT tests. In junior year many students start to think if they are ready for college. Also, they start thinking about the major they want to enroll in if they decide to apply for college. More questions come in mind such as, would college be suitable for everyone? And is college worth the money the students would have to spend on tuition every semester until they graduate? From Leonhardt perspective, college is worth even with the debt it comes with. According to Matthews’s argument, college degree is needed because it is becoming more valuable with time. The arguments that both of Leonhardt and Matthews give prove that college is worth it and it is a good financial decision for most of the students.
Most people in college face the fears of being in a lot of student debt after they graduate. So, most people decide to skip out on college, so they can save thousands of dollars. College is expensive and leaves people in a lot of debt. A lot of people can't afford college and don’t want to take out student loans, so they don’t go to college. "The average borrower is expected to carry more than 38,000 in student loan debt".
I have read an article "Is a College Degree Necessary" published by Los Angeles Times, and was written by Mike Rustigan in my English class. The author wrote about the number of dropouts from the university because they feel that school is not the appropriate place for them to learn the knowledge and life. They just want to work with your hands, and learn a skill by itself after high school. By contrast, President Obama wants every student has the opportunity to attend college to obtain higher education. President Obama told Congress, "We expect all our children not only to graduate from high school but to graduate from college and get a good-paying job." (Los Angeles Times). After reading the article, there is the big question in my mind is: Is there a college degree necessary for success? Some people may think that not going to college will not have much influence on their life, because going to college or a vocational school, finally, people still go to work and earn money to support themselves and their families, should a college degree is not important and necessary; as long as we have the ability and effort, we will succeed. Is really very difficult to believe that a person needs a college education to succeed in life because success in life has different meanings for different people, and there are many who have succeeded , become a billionaire, but not through a whole school or class in life. Some others said that the university is not only a success, but the path
With the rise in minimum wage nationwide, things cost a lot more. That doesn't mean you have $42,500 to pay for college yearly,(CNBC 2015). That's a lot of money if you're not working. Even state colleges are charging $19,000(CNBC 2015). And considering you're going to need a loan, That's going to add to our nationwide student loan debt of 1.2Trillion,(CNBC 2015). But due to the fact that you could earn enough money to pay back all that debt, it is still appealing to most people. The thing is going to college is a lot like gambling. You go hoping that you can get your degree, and earn more later on. But like gambling, you can lose everything.
Many students see college as the stepping stone to a successful career and a happy life. Which can be true for some, however, many overlook whether college will actually help them succeed, or if college will truly be right for them. College is expensive and it is not for every kid who graduates high school, although it is marketed that way, high school graduates must think critically about their decision. Should I take some time away from school, to know myself better? What do I intend to do for a career? Am I more interested in educating myself toward things that interests me now and discovering my major as I learn, or do I feel I know what I want to do? And also essential questions like, how much debt will I go into? And can I
Going to college and receiving a degree does not guarantee that a person is going to get a job right after they graduate. It is sometimes hard for some graduates to find a good job because there is so much competition with other graduates as well. Sometimes they may get a job and it could be in a totally different field of what they got their degree for. They must find a job though to pay off all the debt that an education has given them.
There are so many other jobs out there that pay good where you don’t need a college degree. If you want to be a nurse or doctor than yes you need to go to college. But you have to know what you are going into college for before you just go in there without knowledge of what you want to do. So there are ways to be successful in life without having to go to college and pay all this money for books, food, living ect…. And then when you get out all these debts you have to pay off. If you pay cash up front or get a scholarship then you don’t have student loan debts to pay off. And there are so many doctors out there that have been in the field for say, 20 years now that still don’t have the money to pay off their debts. I think that it is good to have a college education, but you need to know what you’re doing before you go into