
Is College Necessary Essay

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Is College Necessary

How Necessary is a college education? There is one big problem in schools and that is that everybody has been convinced that they need to go to college in order to be successful, but the truth is, you don’t. Almost 70% of the population goes to college after high school already. They do that because it is a guaranteed job and usually pays more money. Plus, I’m sure there teachers, parents, and other people pressured them into going. So, while everybody is going off to college for multiple years, companies that are involved in unions are looking for people. Those companies would hire a person with a degree before they would hire a person without but most of those people with degrees are looking to get involved in a career where they …show more content…

Most families or person’s don’t have the amount of money needed to pay for it upfront. In 2017, the average cost of a masters degree was between thirty thousand and one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. That number is just a nationwide average, the cost varies mostly depending on where you go, the program, the university, and what you are going to study while you are there. A majority of the time, the fresh outta high school graduate, goes out and gets there student loan and heads off to college. Fifty five percent of students who get a loan and enroll in college dropout before they get there degree. Imagine if you got a loan to pay for college, then dropped out. You would still owe all that money from your student loan, but you wouldnt have that good job to live happy and pay back your loan. Most people who do that, do it because they are brainwashed into going to college thinking that they have to go. Then once they get halfway through it, they realize they hate it and are miserable because they hate school and then they dropout. So if you choose to go to get ready to pay back your student loans for the rest of your life, even if you do get your

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