The ability to form a strong argument that can persuade the public is an underrated talent. There is no better way to convince others than to state facts and give in-depth proof of the topic. It shows a strong understanding of the subject at hand and critical thought. An impressive argument consists of a claim, grounds, and a warrant. Every claim must include evidence, stated or not stated, to support it. One article to argue their point well is “Is College Tuition Really Too High?” This topic is highly debated amongst politicians and can easily sway a voter 's opinion based on how they plan to fix this issue. There are many reasons to worry about the rising cost of tuition; The industry of education makes up a large part of our economy. It’s difficult for young adults to see this though, the predominant factor in selecting a school includes the large and intimidating price tag, but there are varying qualities in education, from community to Ivy League schools. The amount of aid that students receive also vary depending on what attributes a student can bring to the school. In addition, the aid is also disproportionate to try and reciprocate for people who choose not to go to a post secondary school. The strongest claim the author made was that the economy and education are highly intertwined. It is stated that without a public access to a higher level of education, the income equality will grow larger and our country of democracy and prosperity will be in jeopardy. The
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “The Reason Why College Is So Expensive Is Actually Dead Obvious,” and Ethan Siegel, “Why College Is So Expensive, And How to Fix It,” is based on what the reason behind a rising tuition actually is which could be vital for a nineteen-year-old female Pagan entering into
In “A Matter of Degrees” columnist Clive Crook begins by explaining how many Americans believe that education is the cure-all solution to the nation’s economic issues, but offer no rational explanation as to how more education would actually benefit society. Not everyone agrees on how the improvement of education would interact with society economically, but no matter where someone’s political opinions lay, it is generally agreed upon that education somehow plays a role in the economy. Crook declares that the relationship between education and economics is not as it seems, and it would be a mistake to make educational decisions based solely on economic grounds.
[Reveal topic & relate to audience] With college tuition increasing year after year it is important that as college students we are informed about the arguments that both support and oppose tuition increases.
“College Prices Soar Again!” “Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!” “Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable” These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single source. There have also been some propositions of how costs could be lowered, but these have yet to be seen. The United States has gone into a tuition crisis.
College is a big obstacle for students because not everyone has enough financial support going through college. In his article, “Is College Tuition Really That High?” Adam Davidson discusses that the average student does not receive enough financial aid. Education is one of the most efficient ways to becoming successful and learning more about the world they live in. These days, students entering college do not receive enough financial aid to pay off tuition due to the increases in tuition and reduction in financial aid.
According to TED; The Economics Daily, tuition and fees increase 63% since January of 2006. Some people believe that the cost of college tuition is acceptable. However, college tuition cost is too high. They ought to be lowered and made affordable to all. College tuition cost is too high, a high tuition can prevent some students from receiving college education, forces some to take out loans, and ultimately can cause future financial instability.
There are many colleges around the world and most people like to attend one. Students study hard and try their best just so they can get an acceptance letter from their dream college. However, college tuition is not that affordable; college tuition is increasing in price every single year while the yearly salary of a father stays the same or barely increases. College tuition should be affordable to everyone regardless of his or her family status and position. Students should be able to attend a college without being in a debt consisting of thousands of dollars. There are scholarships, grants and financial aid available but that does not help everyone. A middle class family cannot fully afford a child going to a 4-year college and make a living, which is comfortably in residence. A change in college tuition is definitely required for American students and the students around the world to have a better education at low cost.
Today colleges are growing more and more necessary for attaining a solid path towards a successful career, yet the rapidly increasing cost of tuition is driving students away from their dream of attending college, due to the preposterous amount of money that is now being demanded by colleges across the nation and world as a whole. It is sad to see students being turned away from a successful future due to the money-hungry nature of the universities that dot the globe. More and more impossible it is becoming to have a “rags-to-riches” scenario that used to highlight the American Dream, as if a student doesn’t have the riches to afford a higher education and the tuition that is drug upon its coattails, then our society is doomed to be clothed in rags forever, unless major changes are brought about to restructure and end the indefatigable growth of tuition rates across the board.
College tuition has been an increasingly intense topic of discussion over the years. The costs of higher education have been debated by many people, and it has been discussed as to whether costs are becoming too high for students to afford. College has become more and more popular, and now as many as 20 million students attend universities reported by The National Center for Education Statistics (1). The value of a college degree is immense, but college tuition is becoming too expensive for students to afford, and furthering the problem are students’ lack of knowledge on how to pay and earn money towards their college degree.
The ideas of equal opportunities that America was built on has been lost and replaced with a structure of education only being accessible for the wealthy. College tuition is a topic that is on every high school and college student's mind. As tuition costs are constantly rising more college students will face the sticker shock of acquiring a secondary education. Unfortunately, college costs do not just end at tuition and room and board people also have to pay for textbooks, meals, and transportation. The cost of college has become outrageous and students are leaving college with high amounts of debt.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” Education has always been the path to success that open new opportunity doors for an individual in a democratic society. The government implemented free public education with a sole purpose to ensure that society continues to strive for equality. This means that studious individuals, with any background, that puts in their effort and work hard should have a higher advantage of getting a good job and climbing up the social mobility and economic ladder of success. The education system is a path for an individual to venture and develop abilities and aptitudes, which in the long run form human capital that will benefit society as a whole; ultimately, this will diminish the disparities of wealth and power by allowing the less fortunate an opportunity to add meaning into society. Yet education may be illustrated as the means of equalization, it has been argued, that the purpose of education is unsuccessful; instead of overcoming closing the wealth gap, there are substantiation that it actually reinforces it.
The most important information in the article is that capitalism causes extremes in social economics. There are those that are very rich and those that are very poor. The poor then are left with unrest and desire for that which they do not have. Education will equip then with the tools they need to escape poverty and be able to coexist with those in other social extremes. "The founders of the modern US school system understood that the capitalist economy only produces great extreme of wealth and poverty of social elevation and degradation" (p.362). "Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great
Increasing access to education not only increases the intellectual ceiling of a region, but it has the power in revolutionizing the lives of millions. Each additional year of schooling will increase future wages of an
Education is a very important microeconomic issue impacting our economy and our futures; with multiple factors in education that ensure the productivity of a nation, it is very important to be utilizing our education system to the best of our abilities. Unfortunately, our current system is flawed and is causing major inefficiency’s within our economy; fortunately we already have the power and knowledge necessary to improve education, implementing these solutions is a way to encourage the utilization of human capital and innovation. Through the course of this presentation I will highlight the impact that education has on the economy and current faults in our system that are preventing us from developing our nation further, I will then draw and present well thought-out solutions in the hope of presenting a reform that can efficiently improve our education system and economy.
Education is a very important microeconomic issue impacting our economy and our futures; with multiple factors in education that ensure the productivity of a nation it is very important to be utilizing our education system to the best of our abilities. Unfortunately our current system is flawed and is causing major inefficiency’s within our economy; fortunately we already have the power and knowledge necessary to improve education, implementing these solutions is a way to encourage the utilization of human capital and innovation. Through the course of this presentation I will highlight the impact that education has on the economy and current faults in our system that are preventing us from developing our nation further, I will then draw and present well thought-out solutions in the hope of presenting a reform that can efficiently improve our education system and economy.