
Is College Worth It Essay

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Today's American workforce is made up of a clear cut thirty six-percent of people with a Bachelor's Degree, thirty-four percent of people with a High School Diploma and thirty percent of people with at least some exposure to college courses (Douglas-Gabriel 1). The desire for qualified job applicants goes unnoticed these days. Today's workforce lacks driven applicants with a college education. As students and families struggle to make ends meet in the midst of the transition from high school to college, one might question, is college worth it? A wide variety of statistics about where students most commonly succeed shows both positives and negatives about attending college. Although many Americans believe that college is not worth the time and money, in fact college is valuable for gaining knowledge and building job qualification. This decade has seen a new era of college with more politicians questioning their credibility given the cost of tuition. Many Americans are asking if college is even worth the money when jobs have recently been accepting more people with High School Diplomas than before. The issue with …show more content…

Students and parents alike can rest assured, their time and money is going into an opportunity to help someone find happiness in what they do while helping others. In simple terms, college plays a part in dictating quality of life. If one is on the fringe about whether or not college is really worth it, they must remember, “not only is there a wage gap between college and noncollege goers, there is now a growing gap between elite degrees within college. College is becoming increasingly competitive” (Leonhardt 1). If money is still a concern, don’t forget that a high salary is attainable. If one applies oneself, paying off college will be the easiest thing they have ever

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