Football… Dangerous or No Unofficially, people are having arguments on whether or not football is too dangerous… While some people say that football is too dangerous so I'm stating that football is NOT too dangerous, for example the sport requires a certain body type, and coaches are teaching their players to tackle and block with their heads up. Finally, new and improved helmets are being scientifically proven safer each day. First of all, football only seems fit for people with a curtain body shape. 60% of children with less body mass are 70% more able to get injured in a football game. This means that smaller meaning “thinner” kids are prone to football injury. Furthermore, league restrictions prevent the use of unregulated helmet types from being played with, such as older broken headgear or helmets from a broken label. In the final analysis, football is one of rougher tougher sports meant for certain people. …show more content…
As a matter of fact, before this 34 football players a year were getting paralyzed, and now thanks to new tackling techniques that number is nearly cut to 50%. This means that players are playing safer and are at a lessened risk of paralysis. Therefore, to help with that Schutt Sports have been designing new,safer, and improving helmets that can absorb the shock of getting hit by a 300 lbs linemen. This means that football is more safe and protective than it has been in a long time. In essence, even though some people claim football is “the most dangerous sport ever” I can stick it to them and say it's been getting safer every generation since it was
Football is often labeled as a dangerous, unsafe sport, but there are many good things that come along with playing football. In the past two weeks I have learned about the risks that accompany football. Many kids suffer with concussions and face injuries from the sport, which scares many people away. But, despite the risks and the unsafe label, I would allow my child to play football because it promotes health, builds friendships, and helps gain toughness.
To start off with, Football is a very dangerous sport in general. although Football has a helmet and pads it does not make it 100% safe 100% of the time. Being a full-contact sport head injuries from Football are common. A injury report from the NFL shows 7 injuries
I think that kids shouldn't play football because it is too dangerous. People get concussions every day when they play football. After repeatedly bashing their skulls football players get concussions, caused by the spongy tissue in the brain hitting the hard skull. It is very painful to get a concussion, and leaves permanent damage to the brain. As well as being excruciatingly painful, and possibly never being the same, with many issues. "In milder cases, athletes can be left with lifelong pain, memory lapses, aggression, depression, personality changes, and many other issues."(Shotz[11]). This sport just keeps getting more and more dangerous, manifesting on itself, becoming more and more brutal as players become more competitive. There are
Football is an extremely dangerous sport that causes countless injuries each year. Some injuries can cause brain trauma and could even lead to death. Football is a risky sport that is too dangerous for students to play. It causes head injuries, players continue to play with injuries causing them to be far worse, and students are not educated enough on the dangers of football. Football causes numerous head injuries each year.
Concussions in football have become more and more common even though the equipment has apparently gotten safer. In retrospect it seems the equipment has made concussions more prominent. Does this mean the sport of football altogether is unsafe or that the players are simply just not playing the game correctly? Is this the person running the ball fault or the defensive players fault or both?
Billions of dollars have been spilled into concussion research. One thing that has been proven through this research is that football players face the greatest risk of concussions. This includes all sports, even NCAA and NFL football. Helmets nowadays all have a warning that reads similar to: NO HELMET SYSTEM CAN PROTECT YOU FROM SERIOUS BRAIN AND/OR NECK INJURIES INCLUDING PARALYSIS OR DEATH. TO AVOID THESE RISKS, DO NOT ENGAGE IN THE SPORT OF FOOTBALL. Many people with ties to football argue that the benefits of football significantly outweigh the risks associated. Football people know that concussions can’t be eliminated totally, but they do believe that concussions can be slowed by proper tackling techniques as well as better technology. Even though football may lead to neurodegenerative brain diseases, the benefits of football far and away outweigh these inherited risks.
Football can be a very dangerous sport. And although those who play the game believe that they are being protected by the helmets that they wear, the truth is that this may not be the case. In a recent study released by the American Academy of Neurology it has been found that “protection against concussion and complications of brain injury is especially important for young players, including elementary and middle school, high school and college athletes, whose still-developing brains are more susceptible to the lasting effects of trauma”(Science Daily, 2014). The study also found that standard football helmets worn by the majority of players on the field today, only reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury by 20 percent compared to not wearing a helmet at all (Science Daily, 2014).
Football head injuries are a big concern in the NFL and youth football, due to the contact in football there's damage that is done to the brain that can cause health issues to individuals players as they get older, it leads to long term mental problems caused by concussions which is when your brain crashes into your your skull. There isn't a technology that can prevent a head injury one hundred percent. Football head injuries are more commonly found in high school than in college and NFL. The effects to the brain of a football player with a head injury are long term in the end.
Sports is a major part of mostly everyone’s life either you watch it or just participate in it. Though it has it benefits, everyone has the reason why they participate or enjoy watching sports. With the benefits comes with some consequence. When a football player puts on a helmet, he knows what he gets himself into. Although they have a helmet on, they are not guarantee not to get a concussion, according to Press Release “there was a new study that found out that football helmets currently used on the field does little to no protection against hits to side if the head” (AAN).
Have you ever thought about the safety of your friends or family that play such a rough sport such as football, and are scared that they can have an injury that can permanently hurt them forever such as a concussion that can ultimately lead to a brain disease. Well that is the reason why not as many parents aren't letting their kids play football. At little league and such a small age they aren't happening as often but are still an issue but at a bigger stage such as the NFL they are a huge issue and occur more than they should. Ever since the NFL and Riddell have been making stronger and supposedly safer helmets concussions have been happening more than ever. Also researchers from (“Frontline”) say about
18% of people in the U.S. have stopped watching football in two years when the original percent was 58%. Even though sports do have physical benefits, children or middle-aged people shouldn’t play games that include your head having the chance of getting hit. There are so many risks that a very capable of happening because of what you could lose altogether. You can have a concussion that can cause deadly diseases such as CTE, a concussion has negative effects on a child's education if not treated properly, and concussions can vary depending on which league they’re in. Brain diseases have taken their toll on players especially football players.
Many people get lit up from a hard hit in football each year that causes major problems to them. Football is a game for tough people. You can't be scared to get hit because it's gonna happen many times throughout each season. Football is very dangerous because the hard hits can give you post concussion syndrome, a concussion, traumatic encephalopathy, and blurred vision and pain. Football hard hits are very dangerous because they can give you concussions and post concussion syndrome.
Frank Herbert once said,“Belief can be manipulated. Only knowledge is dangerous.” Herbert is claiming that the less individuals know, the easier it is to manipulate the truth. This concept is often a recurrent theme in literature. George Orwell’s Animal Farm exposes the negative effects that governments demonstrating tyranny could have on people-- harsh forms of control, manipulation, and propaganda.
American football has been around since the early 1900's. The players tackle each other until one is on the ground. Football has always been a full-contact sport. Throughout the years injuries have stayed part of the game and the NFL has taken their time to increase player safety. The NFL should increase player safety because of the injuries have occurred. Some of the injuries may be lifetime injuries. Serious brain injuries have been linked to football as, well as heart issues and other permanent heath problems.
A. The future value of a $10,000 CD that has a maturity of 1 year at maturity with 10% interest is $11,000. Financial Calculator Inputs: $ -10,000=PV, 1=N, I=10, FV=? ($11,000)