
Is Gaming Too Serious Research Paper

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Is gaming too serious The games industry has become a very competitive industry in terms of jobs and of course the tier of and time spent by gamers on building a decent gaming profile. Games have become imbedded in the lives of huge portion of the population in more economically developed countries and game like GTA have been accused of misleading and brainwashing consumers of the game. For example GTA San Andreas caused outrage with its hot coffee modification that was accidently left in the coding of the game, Rock Star gaming was fined and forced to change their age rating there were psychological implication on consumers who may have been under the age rating as the age limit wasn’t severely enforced in all shops, this means there were …show more content…

1“Thompson’s case spawned a lawsuit filed against the Sony Corp., retailers and publishers on behalf of family members of two of the police officers. The case was profiled on “60 Minutes.” ” . This shows the level of controversy caused by the psychological effects of gaming and negative causation which could cause the death of innocent police officers or even citizens. The economic implications of Rock Star gaming were made inferior by the medias advertising of GTA as many news show were talking about it controversy which may have inadvertently increased sales and this reduced the effect of any successful law suit or reduction of profit margins due to age restrictions. Other than GTA gaming has an effect on society and the mental wellbeing of its consumers. Many depressed and suicidal/homicidal teenagers look to gaming as a haven and absorb information and copy behaviour directly from the games they play. “Some gamers become so engrossed in games that they actually believe they are part of the virtual world in which the game takes place. This …show more content…

The positive effects create a multiplier which means that the increase in the size of the gaming industry would cause an increase in jobs and therefore an increase in the supply of games which could consequently increase the amount of games bought as it would mean the price could be reduced and increased sales could create an increase in profit meaning more people can be hired. The psychological deterioration of weak minded individuals would mean that although GDP could increase there would be the possibility of increased homicides and suicides due to certain games, furthermore GDP isn’t necessarily a good measure of development or standard of living for example Chinas GDP is high and they are in the top five highest GDPs in the world but when GDP per capita is measured China is the 121st best in the world, this shows that the economic positives aren’t always hugely beneficial to the country and the psychological negatives are guaranteed, as there many mentally unstable people who are given access to video games. The gaming industry is taken too seriously because it is being considered for the Olympics even though it isn’t a

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