Global Warming and the False Political Scientific Accusations
Global warming is caused by human carbon dioxide with industrial productions, this is false. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, most top scientist) suggest that global warming is increasing due to human carbon dioxide caused by the industrial inventions. But, according to the documentary film "The Great Global Warming Swindle" by Martin Durkin (director of Wag TV productions) scientific opinions for the cause for global warming doesn’t have any supporting evidence, the evidence point to the solar system and the theory is simply politics and media outtake.
The documentary film evidence also provides evidence of how global warming is controlled by the solar
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"Man made global warming is not just a theory about climate, it is the defining moral and political calls of our age." (The Great Global Warming Swindle. Dir. Martin Durkin. A Wag, 2007). Based on the EPICA and Vostok ice cores display (shows records of carbon dioxide and temperature over the last 100 years based on data of the Antarctic ice core) temperatures and carbon dioxide (Co2) records many professors like Tim Ball (Department of Climatology) and Nir Shaviv (Institute of Physics) indicated that the level of carbon dioxide is depended on the climate temperatures and not the other way around. This is because as the climate drops the ocean intakes carbon dioxide, and as the atmosphere rises in temperature the ocean releases carbon dioxide. Martin Durkin (director of "The Global Warming Swindle") shares that the warming of the earth atmosphere started before there were …show more content…
As a matter of fact, the documentary revealed that the sun's solar system was leading carbon dioxide and that man-made carbon dioxide is not the cause of global warming. Scientist went back to the scientific data of many years and compared the temperatures to carbon dioxide. The results just like the documentary says didn't add up to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Global warming and the theory of it being caused by humans was a belief adopted by politicians for government funds. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control is nothing but propaganda to gain political view and to draw in more money and because of the political control of funding some will agree and continue to research that human industrial products are the leading cause of global warming. This however, is false. Global warming is cause by the oceans intake and release of carbon dioxide due to the climate temperatures caused by the solar
It's hard to believe these people without any expert to back it up. Overall the film was a great watch and very informative about global warming and glaciers. By far I pick this documentary up in a
Global Warming is one of the biggest hoaxes in the modern day, and there are a lot of reasons why. There is actually no real scientific proof that the warming occurring is from the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity (Tesla). The warmer periods in Earth started 800 years before rises in CO2 levels in the atmosphere (Tesla). The Earth has always had significant changes in climate throughout geological time (Tesla). Another reason is that arctic ice has increased by 50% since 2012 (Conserve Energy Future). The reasons that Global warming is flawed are that the warmer periods in Earth started 800 years before the rises of CO2 levels in the atmosphere (Tesla), The Earth has always had significant changes
Global warming is one of the most tumultuous topics in today’s society. Some believe it is happening as we speak, while others question its very existence, So, is it real, or is merely a hoax? There is no one answer, but evidence does overwhelmingly support the former. Surely we have all heard this word at one time or another, but few individuals actually know its true definition. Justifiably, however, global warming is not that simply explained. In layman’s terms, it is the dramatic increase in the Earth’s average air and ocean temperature since the 20th century. This increase is primarily attributed to two main culprits: the greenhouse effect and human activity, such as fossil fuel burning. In both cases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the
Climatologist Tim Ball argues this point in his article, The Science Isn’t Settles – The Limitations of Global Climate Models. Dr. Ball looks at the data of global temperatures and concludes that the earth’s atmosphere is actually cooling while in its cooling cycle, which is the complete opposite to the assumption that the atmosphere is heating up. In 1999 a petition was asked the U.S. Government to reject the environment treaty The Kyoto Protocol, which was signed by over 17,000 other scientists sharing the same views. These scientists view that there is no convincing scientific evidence around the idea of global warming and all of these conclusions are not justified. They believe that the human release of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses are not contributing to global warming and the climate change, instead the increase of CO2 is promoting plant and animal growth. Some other scientists argue that global warming is being blown way out of portion and its effects are so small we will not notice its effects. They believe this increasing in extensive publicity is an environmentalist scam for more recognition, power, and
In the movie by PBS, “Global Warming: The Signs and the Science” it discusses how our planet is affected by global warming and some potential consequences we will encounter because of the effects of Global Warming. It also describes different strategies that could help reduce greenhouse emissions.
Another point Brian Sussman made was, since the little Ice Age global temperatures have risen only one degree and most of that occurred before 1940. According to data from NASA’s temperature record, the surface temperature on earth has increased since 1880 and leveled off between the 1940s and the 1970s. That would make sense, because the industrial revolution began around the 1880s. Also, in the last decade, our global temperatures have risen to the highest levels ever recorded. This information makes me lean toward the man-made side of the global warming argument.
Whenever someone thinks of CO2, they think of global warming. They are reminded of Al Gore and his stance on global warming and they automatically think it is true. He has a lot of evidence to back up his theory about how global warming exists and that it is the reason animals are going extinct and also why the climate is changing. Well these facts are wrong and there is evidence to prove it. Global warming is not real and the Earth might even be in a cooling period. There so many reasons to blame people for the epidemic of this false global warming. CO2, a naturally produced gas absorbed by oceans and trees could not be the reason, so what could? Well, nothing can, none of man’s efforts to control the climate will
Every year, almost 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by human activity. That is the equivalent of 107,700,000 jet airplanes being in the air at once! This harrowing figure is the main cause of global warming, and has been increasing for the last 50 years. Global warming is caused by the increase of greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide and methane primarily, in the earth's upper atmosphere directly caused by human burning of fossil fuels, industrial, farming, and deforestation activities. Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic
In Christopher C. Horner’s “Global Warming Is A Myth” Mr. Horner states his views on the global warming debacle. I believe that the Media is trying to manipulate people into believing that we have created a “Global Warming Catastrophe”. They say that the Earth’s climate was stable before man came. The world’s climate is always changing due to the orbit between the Sun and Earth. Alarmists say that we have polluted our planet with manmade carbon dioxide that has spewed into the air, which is causing the glaciers to melt.
Over 35 years ago, climatologist Wally Broecker coined the term global warming in a paper outlining the trends that he was noticing with temperature and C02 levels (Stefan). Ever since then, the debate has heated up on the controversy of global warming. Politicians have even used the issue to boost their campaigns. Some question whether the earth’s temperature is rising at an unusual rate. Scientists perform experiments from glacial ice to observe the correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperature. Scientists have changed the debate over the years from debating whether global warming was actually happening to the current debate about what is causing global warming. Therefore, the term global warming in this paper refers to
Nasa has imperical data that is backed by substantial proof that in fact our planet is expierencing climate change. Studies show that human-produced greenhouse gassess are causing global warming to occur. Particular gassess that are released in the atmosphere are causing the heat to be unable to escape the way it naturally would. Since some gases have the tendency to linger in the atmosphere and not escape the climate has no choice but to expeirence change.
To start my response, I am of a personal belief that global warming is a hoax. Over the course of my education, many of the arguments for global warming have been disproven to me. My
Climate change known as global warming has been steadily increasing over time. Global warming is a catch phrase of social confusion. Society feels uncomfortable with this notion. Is it real or fake? Little do people know that human progression and population growth adds to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The term greenhouse gasses mean H2o or water, Co2 or carbon dioxide, and N20 known as nitrous oxide. In the book titled Global Climate Change, it breaks down what global warming is and relays information about carbon dioxide being the primary cause to the negative amounts of greenhouse gasses. “Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse
This is just an explanation of how Global Warming is becoming about. Scientist are proving and discovering new ways to detect and analyze Global Warming and the effects.
“When taking the heating of the entire climate system into account, our planet has warmed at a rate equivalent to 4 Hiroshima atomic bomb detonations per second over the past 15 years” (Cook). Our planet is becoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on “Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history” refutes the theory of global warming. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage between carbon dioxide and temperature leading to global warming, the sea level is not rising, arctic sea ice extent is now higher and climate change is due to solar activity. Dr. Sircus also points out that that the recent weather changes are not in line with global warming and “we are in the beginning of a deep freeze” (Global Warming - Largest Science Scandal in US History). NASA and the scientific community states that global warming is not a hoax and there is a rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases released as people burn fossils. NASA states that the “key indicators of global warming are based on surface, satellite, and ocean temperature measurements, satellite measurements of energy imbalance and of receding glaciers, sea ice, and