
Is Google Making Us. What Are Us?

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Knowledge can be a limitless resource, but with the click of a button we’re able to obtain any and all pieces of information that’s out there. With Google anything is possible. This amazing tool provides the answers to all of man’s questions well not all, but most. In this current technological age we carry with us that power in a small device called a smartphone changing the way we live and do business. Have you ever been in a heated discussion amongst your friends about who won the MLB home run derby in 1993? Google it. Don’t know who was the shortest United States president? Google it. No matter the time or day this power is always available to us. But is that really a good thing? Despite the Internet being man made it has become more intelligent than man itself. We now rely on it for all our source of information, which only separates us from understanding information to simply just knowing without any critical thought. …show more content…

What you think you become”-Buddha. If we can’t think critically for ourselves without Google then what are we? As newborns our minds are in the early stages of development and are unable to read or comprehend. To quote Nicholas Carr’s 2008 article, Is Google Making us Stupid, “We have to teach our minds how to translate the symbolic characters we see into language we understand” Whether you’re reading a textbook, a comic book, or diary we process these words into thoughts, ideas, and information. We often absorb information from these sources at libraries, a quiet room, or on our commute to school and work. Even though Google has dominated the way we retrieve information they’re individuals who prefer retaining information from a

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