
Is Healthcare Facility Guidelines Implemented?

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Throughout time, medication has always been a staple in the health care field. From simply relieving a symptom such as pain, to the complete elimination of a microbe, medication has been used for everything. At this point in time, the number of different medications is countless and is constantly increasing to keep up with the continual process of adaptation and change of microorganisms. With the copious number of drugs and the persistent increase of patients, it becomes difficult to keep everything precise and free of errors. This is exactly why there have been healthcare facility guidelines implemented in practice to greatly lower and ideally eliminate medication errors all together, because it is the responsibility of the medical team …show more content…

The goal requires a nurse to use at least two identifiers on a client when administering medications which cannot include the client’s room number or physical location (Berman, Snyder, & Frandsen, 2016). Identifiers can however include the clients name, telephone number, an assigned identification number, or a number of other person-specific identifiers. These measures are taken to ensure that there is complete accuracy before anything is given. Moving from identification to the next step in the nursing process is informing the client. Information given to the client allows them to feel at ease as well as, allow the nurse to assess for any anxiety or fear. Within this stage, the nurse needs to express the expected therapeutic and side effects that may occur. This also should include information on reactions with other medications, food, and/or herbal remedies. If the patient is to be discharged from the care facility, education about time and dosing instruction need to be given. After the client is informed to the full extent needed, it is time to prepare for the administration of the medication. Through this, there are many steps that need to occur before the medication is actually given. There is a set of three times to check for safety and there are also five “rights” to the administration of medicine (Berman et al, 2016). The three times to check for safe medication administration begins with the first check

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