Have you ever wondered if Hip-Hop is good for you? Hip-Hop is music that can make you feel things, you can relate to this music. I think Hip-Hop is not just another name for ghetto music. I think Hip-Hop is not black ghetto music because, not only black people listen to it. There are all type of people who listen to Hip-Hop, For example white and mexican people listen to Hip-Hop too. Anyone that is anyone can listen to hip-hop, it's not just a certain ethnicity. There are many rappers and hip-hop artist that are white, one example is the famous rapper eminem. Hip-hop is not about color or race. Its for you to be able to relate to what the rappers are talking about or saying. Rapping talks about things you really feel inside, from being in
Don Lett's observation that “hip hop is black punk” is accurate in many ways. Punk rock and hip hop both developed and flourished by a younger, more free, population. Although the style of both genres are anything but alike, they both represent the recklessness of the younger generation. This shows the American “freedom of expression”. I believe that hip hop is black punk because both genres express reckless behavior, are somewhat violent and harsh and introduced a raunchy new wordplay. Hip hop and punk rock artists introduced things that had never been done before.
Gangsta rap is a form of music that is enjoyed by everyone and there should be no stereotypes attached to it. It has been debated if Gangsta Rap harms Black Americans; it is a heavily criticized art form since its inception. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines “Gangsta rap: a form of hip-hop music that became the genre’s dominant style in the 1990s, a reflection and product of the often violent lifestyle of American inner cities afflicted with poverty and the dangers of drug use and drug dealing. The romanticization of the outlaw at the center of much of gangsta rap appealed to rebellious suburbanites as well as to those who had firsthand experience of the harsh realities of the ghetto. “
In the early 70’s Hip Hop was the most popular music for not just black but other races. I think that Hip Hop can Positive and negative. Old Hip Hop is inspirational and motivational it bring out a message that you can learn form. New generation Hip Hop has changed to a more negative inspiration to the community. New generation tries to focus on the bad thing that are going on around you. It bring a bad option to our race because other races think that all blacks act the same. Most new generation Hip Hop influences people to do drugs, alcohol, money, and sex. Real Hip Hop comes from your heart.
Hip Hop is more than music; Hip Hop is a general public. Over the span of late decades, Hip Hop has affected and propelled America, talking up for periods and giving a voice to a get-together of people endeavoring to pass on a message. Adversaries of the Hip Hop society battle that the music is mighty in nature and advances social resistance however provocative verses don't invalidate the way that Hip Hop is a vocal outlet for a few people in America. Hip Hop has given a phase to MCs and rappers to express their sentiments about society, the lawmaking body and the treatment of African Americans in America for a significant long time. This outlet is fundamental for the raising of the Black culture and would benefit society totally if people confined to Hip Hop endeavored to get a handle on the lifestyle rather than attack the
“…the appropriation of hip-hop cultural forms suggest not that whites want a black identity: rather, they want characteristics of blackness.” (Perry 2002, 109). This is quote by Pamela Perry, a sociologist as University of California Santa Cruz, from her book Shades of White:White Kids and Racial Identities in High School. Pamela Perry is a sociologist from University of California, Santa Cruz, throughout her book she touches on the idea of white children developing a sort of identity crisis depending on their environment. This quote helps put the appropriation of African American culture in its simplest terms. In most cases people associate Hip Hop culture with African Americans. With that being said, many artist of different genres who attempt to have a more hip hop vibe, fall subject to appropriating African American Culture. Various artist have been appropriating culture in several different ways whether it’s through dance, sound, or even image.
KRS One once said, "Rap is something you do, Hip-Hop is something you live." The difference between how Hip-Hop is portrayed (rap) and what the Hip-Hop movement is, is that Hip-Hop is a lifestyle but the Hip-Hop we see on television is a media creation. We have to look at hip-hop as a whole culture and rap as something that comes out of it. Although Hip-Hop was originated by a mostly Negro constituency, it has evolved since its creation into a "worldwide forum through which family, community, social and political grievances" (HHC) can be voiced through various art forms. Today, the Hip-Hop movement (if looked at as it's meant to be looked at) plays a very positive role throughout the political and social spectrums in America, and is
debated throughout society, but the genre’s complexity makes it difficult. For decades, the hip hop culture has grown into one that is heavily dominated by black people. With its flood into mainstream music, other races have taken the genre and have used it for their own purposes and pleasure. This has ultimately caused a shift in the way people of color and Caucasians interact with one another in this country, especially since privileged youth and seniors get to learn about minority hardships and struggles along with a catchy beat. Although this proves to be beneficial for American society, it has also caused
Hip-Hop isn’t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also “ a way of life, a language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective” (Efrem 2), the hip-hop basic and sub-elements have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its
Hip Hop music became one of the primary constructive outlets for Black Americans to release their thoughts, pain, and anguish about the injustices and mistreatments of Black people. Even though most of the pioneers in Hip-Hop either were not born in America or are 2nd generation immigrants that proves that common oppression can lead to unity. The fact that that these individuals were impoverished and felt marginalized is what brought them together and lead to the culture today. Deep rooted racism in the United States kept the genre of music suppressed for a while before it was allowed to even be played on the airwaves. Now, in 2011, the main consumers of byproducts of hip hop are White Americans.
In today’s society African Americans are expected to listen to “Hip-hop” when honestly not all of us do. I personally don’t listen to rap much at all. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate it but it’s not in my top 25 favorite songs category. I listen to hardcore stuff weather that would be metal or electronic music like dubstep. It bothers me when people are shocked that I listen to that kind of music when music is meant for everyone not for just
Why does hip-hop have a bad vibe? I think the answer lies in the culture of violence and misogyny that many people believe hip-hop culture inspires. Many people assume that saggy pants, hoodies, and gold chains define a person. Traditionally, people who dress that way are often associated with the hip hop culture, but does that mean that they are bad people? No, it does not. There are bad people who listen to every type of music. What about the lyrics about women and their assets? Does that make hip hop a bad influence on our culture? So again, why pick on hip hop when our entire culture promotes violence and misogyny. People need to stop blaming a music genre for society’s problems.
As mentioned earlier, there are a number of studies that have been carried in relation to determining whether hip hop is an expression of the culture of black, Latino and inner city whites adolescents or not. One of those studies has been carried out is by Paul C Taylor. Taylor of the view is that hip hop is a culture that expresses the way of life of the black and Latino adolescents due to numbers of reasons.
Hip-Hop has always been a really big thing for the African American culture. It’s the way a lot of young black men back in the day expressed issues going on in the world around them because they were different from the dominant culture in the United States as a whole. As, time progressed from when hip-hop was first introduced and over its timeline till now I’ve notice more women coming into the music industry as rappers. It wasn’t always that way but doors opened up with famous female vocals like Roxanne Shante who was one of the very first in the 1980’s. Then following closely behind was Salt n Peppa, MC Lyte, and Queen Latifah.
Hip-hop is an underground urban movement which emerged in the South Bronx, NY during the early 1970s. Hip-hop is composed of four basic elements; DJ-ing, emceeing (rapping), graffiti and style, and break dancing. These elements are how most people recognize hip-hop culture. Many other people think of hip-hop as just a music genre, but it is more than just a music genre. It is cultivating way of living, and several people fail to understand its true meaning. It originated as so much more than just art and entertainment. Hip-hop is the constantly evolving spirt and consciousness of urban youth that keeps recreating itself in a never-ending cycle (Global Awareness through Hip-Hop Culture Program). TIME magazine has even considered it the most important youth culture on the planet (time.com). It has, and continues to influence the young urban crowd through its music, style, and role models. Hip-hop has evolved throughout the years, and has made several changes to the music and dance, the style and clothing, and the influential roles. Both good and not so good. Nevertheless, hip-hop culture continues to influence people.
As a cultural perspective Hip Hop has had an overwhelming influence on the black community. Hip Hop is more than just music is a culture. Hip Hop is a formed of communication through lyrics. It has helped individuals speak up for generations and provide a voice for their people as well send a message. Additionally, Hip Hop culture can as well be viewed as a response to the socio-economic issues that spawned in the black community. It was done through the power of musical expression.