1. I think since the beginning we can see that Peters prefers dissemination form of communication to dialogue. From the explanation on both sides he presented, it’s completely understandable why he posed tendency toward dissemination because dialogue obtains an underlying demand (passive aggressive) from one or the other party in the dialogue, while on the surface it seems mutual as Peters puts it “dialogue’s supposed moral nobility can suffocate those who prefer not to play along (p.159)”. Dissemination, on the other hand, is very hermeneutic, open to each and individual interpretation of the messages and communication content. But then, the problem with this is that the interpretation may be misinterpreted when it’s done out of the context or situation in which the messages or texts were initially developed or composed.
To me conceptually, communication occurs when a message(s) is sent from a sender to a receiver either in a form of one-on-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, or even many-to-one, where sometimes both sides of the conversation are actively involved or neither side expects involvement or “participation” from one another. However, the key take-away for me from Peters book is that, sometimes we tend to rather focus on what being said or how it is said than who actually says it and why.
Although the currently “delivery system” seems to be more in a hermeneutic form, I still think that both dialogue and dissemination need to be explained and discussed because we
Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings, or impressions in ways that gains common understanding of messages. Communication can be used to bring out changes in attitudes and used to motivate people and establish and maintain relationships, it is also vital for seeking and providing information.
Communication is the process in which people share information and ideas with each other and create shared meanings.
“The fact that we have been communicating all of our lives does not mean that we do it well”. (Sole, 2011).
Communication is a social process in which individuals employsymbols to establish and interpret meaning in their
Communication is the sending and receiving messages and information between two or more people. The person receiving the information is called the receiver and the person sending the message is referred to as the sender. The information conveyed can include instructions, ideas, facts, concepts, beliefs, opinions and even emotions. Effective communication occurs if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit.
COMG 151 Personal and Public Speech Spring 2013 Study Guide – Midterm Exam DATE: Wednesday, February 27 at 12:30pm in Bilger 152 *This review sheet is for the midterm. The ideas listed below represent issues and content with which you should be familiar. They do NOT necessarily represent an exhaustive list of all material subject to examination but should give you direction in your preparation for the exam.* YOU WILL NEED TO BRING A NUMBER 2 PENCIL. Chapter 1 – Communication Perspectives 1. Why is communication important? ● Communication is inescapable and we spend 80% - 90% of our waking hours communicating 2. What are the communication models
Communication means consuming language in dissimilar methods; to query, simplify, define and discuss, using non-verbal rules of communication: listening, looking, and knowing how to take spoken goes and how to change language to ensemble the circumstances.
Communication can be defined as a social interaction where at least two interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of rules (Schramm, 1954). There are different forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication can be defined as a
Communication involves the exchange of messages and is a process which all individuals participate in. Whether it is through spoken word, written word, non-verbal means or even silence, messages are constantly being exchanged between individuals or groups of people (Bach & Grant 2009). All behaviour has a message and communication is a process which individuals cannot avoid being involved with (Ellis et al 1995).
Communication is the way one exchanges information with another person. Communication can take on many forms such as verbal or written language, or non-verbally as in body language such as the use of hand gestures, eye movement, or facial expressions. Ones dialect is
This assignment will start by discussing two well-known theories known as ‘the cycle of communication’ by Michael Argyle and ‘the stages of communication’ by Bruce Tuckman. Firstly, it will look at Michael Argyle’s ‘The cycle of communication’.
Wallace and Roberson (2009) stated that communication is "a process involving several steps, among two or more persons, for the primary purpose of exchanging information" (p.15 ).
Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures1. Effective communication is a reciprocal interactive process in which sender and recipient have responsibilities to ensure that a message has been received and understood.
Two of the most prevalent forms of communication styles are direct and indirect communication; these two communication styles impact how members of a culture interact with each other (Morreale & Pearson, 2008). According to Craddock (2002), Kierkegaard, regarded direct communication, “as the mode for transferring information and considered it totally appropriate to the fields of history, science, and related disciplines” (p. 70). Direct communication can be defined as, “speech that specifically states and directs an action. When someone hears direct speech, they know immediately what needs to be done. There is no question about who is in charge, and usually no need for discussion” (Gaddis, 2006, p. 11). On the other hand, Kiergaard believed that, “the indirect was the mode for eliciting capability and action from within the listener, a transaction that did not occur by giving the hearer some information” (Craddock, 2002, p. 70). Unlike direct communication, “a indirect style of speech is not typically authoritative, rather it encourages input from the listener” (Gaddis, 2006, p. 11). The direct and indirect communication styles are often used in different fields, disciplines, and industries ranging from education, workplace, literature, and entertainment, to church services (Morreale & Pearson, 2008). For example, the population relies on the news media as the main source of information and the basis on which they form their opinions and voting decisions” (Fog, 1999, p.
Communication is a process where we share our feelings, ideas, thoughts, suggestion, experience, feedback, opinions, etc. It’s a dialogue in which the sharing of meaningful information are constantly coming in and going out between two or more people in order