
Is It Really Costing Us?

Decent Essays

America is the largest meat producer and the second largest meat consumer in the world (Willett, 2014). I used to be one of these consumers eating meat at nearly every meal. After learning more about the beef, dairy, pork, and poultry industries I became a vegan for ethical reasons. You may have heard of “factory farming” which is how most of our food is produced today. Factory farming has negative results including pollution, related health risks to humans, and cruelty to animals. While factory farming can keep up to society’s ever growing demand for meat, what is it really costing us? Pollution is a huge concern to a lot of people. It can come in many forms and from many sources. Most people don’t think about the fact that the food they eat causes pollution. Regardless of how it is packaged or how far it has traveled to get to you, there are other pollution factors. Pigs are raised in cramped spaces in overcrowded buildings with slotted floors. The pigs eat, sleep, and defecate in these cages. The farmers spray down the pig houses, and the feces washes through the slots in the floors to large lagoons outside. When the lagoons get full the farmers spray the feces filled water into the air to fertilize nearby fields (Peach, 2014). The potential threat for water pollution is very serious. Bacteria in the waste lagoons are dangerous to our lakes and streams, and the creatures that live in them. When the land floods from excessive rain the waste from the lagoons is carried

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