
Is It Too Much?

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You turn your TV on, and the first thing you see is an advertisement, turned to the right another advertisement. In recent years, this advertising phenomenon has increased to a point where it is everywhere we turn. If we turn to the government they are using advertising, if we turn to schools they are using it too. So no matter where we turn there are no spaces that haven’t being invaded by this madness. But when is it too much?
Governments are not only doing little to change the advertising phenomenon that is arousing, but they are doing the opposite by endorsing this the use of advertisement. Ruskin, in “Is Nothing Sacred” mentions how modification in laws will make a change especially because of the power that corporations have over …show more content…

One of those triumphs was that they manage to ban the tobacco advertisements from countries as far as their constitutions allow it. (Ruskin & Schor, 2016) This is why although advertisements are everywhere, there are ways to fight it, and there is power in the people who want to stop it even though government is not cooperating with this. We can see that it is rather helpful for costumers to take matter into their own hands, because it can lead to a less ad filled society. Costumers want to strive to a less add filled society especially for the effect that they have on children, because for them it is harder to discern between the trustworthy and the fallacious advertisements.
The impact of ads in children is controversial. As they are not only expose to ads in their homes, but they are also exposed at schools. An example is Channel One, which lend school TV equipment, so that they would allow their presence in schools. They had ads in between the news. (Ruskin & Schor, 2016) This example is only one of the many corporations that disguised advertisement in between academics. By using this methods corporations sneak into children’s minds in way that is barely noticeable by parents. Channel One has endured because parents are unaware of its use and its effects. (Schor, 2016) Because kids watch Channel One at school, parents don’t know

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