
Is Julius Caesar Honorable

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Brutus the Hero An honorable person can be defined as someone who rarely commits a sin and someone who is right and just throughout their whole entire life. There is a dispute going on about whether Marcus Brutus is an honorable man or not an honorable man. Some might say he is very honorable, while others say he is the villain of the play. He later joins a group called the conspirators because they are all jealous of Caesar. Most of the people that form the conspirators kill Caesar because of jealousy. However, Brutus kills him because of what is best for Rome. Instead of worrying about wealth and fame, Brutus’s first priority was the people of the city. Marcus Brutus the hero in the William Shakespeare play, Julius Caesar, because he is loyal to Rome, he is …show more content…

Brutus portrays this definition perfectly because he puts his own city over himself. He is a man who is well recognized through the entire book because of his actions of kindness. Most of the conspirators put themselves over everything because of pure greed and jealousy. Brutus is certainly not a self-centered man, he puts Rome over himself because he wants them to have a good long life. As stated previously, Brutus commits an act of self sacrifice with no pride or self-pity. Despite his death, Brutus is still recognized as a nobleman who held on to his convictions. His shows humility about what he has done and he fully accepts his fate. Brutus says,” Caesar, now be still. I killed not thee with half so good a will” (V.v.56-57). Brutus could not live with himself anymore knowing that he killed his best friend will an unjust reason. His humility shows because he thought if he killed himself that Caesar would basically be avenged. By him committing an act of self suicide, it shows that his humility spoke for himself because he obviously does not kill himself for the benefit of

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