In the story, "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" leader of Rome, Julius Caesar, was assassinated by people who did not think that he was fit to be leader of Rome. Characters Cassius, Brutus, and Decius all decided to assassinate him, all for Rome's own good according to them. Caesar's friend Antony finds out and thinks that he should expose the real truth about what happened. Brutus gathered the town of Rome, and told everyone that Caesar has been executed and the reason for his execution. The crowd started to chant for Brutus because they didn't know the real truth. But, when it was Antony's turn, he exposed the truth on Caesar's "Murder". This essay is going to be comparing and contrasting both speeches that both Brutus and Antony have given to the people of Rome. Brutus goes up in front of the Rome crowd and wants to let the Town of Rome, that what he did was …show more content…
When it was Antony's turn to talk, he gave the speech on what really happened and explained that murder was committed on Caesar. "I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honorable men. I will not do them wrong. I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you,Than I will wrong such honorable men," (Antony, 3.2 pg 4). Antony starts to expose the truth to the crowd; on how he believes that it was not for protection of Rome, it was just plain murder. He did not want them to look good for murdering his friend for absolutely no proof on their reasoning. "Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it. It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you. You are not wood, you are not stones, but men; And, being men, bearing the will of Caesar, It will inflame you, it will make you mad. ‘Tis good you know not that you are his heirs, For if you should, O what would come of it," (Antony, 3.2 pg 5). The citizens of Rome start to realize what actually happened and find out what the truth about Caesar's death really
Julius Caesar’s, one of the main leaders of Ancient Rome, reign was short lived because some of his fellow leaders, including his best friend, Brutus, murdered him. Mark Antony, a Roman politician, general, and ally of this leader, gives a speech at his funeral in William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar. Antony’s purpose is to convince the people of Rome that Brutus and his men wrongfully murdered Caesar. He adopts a sarcastic and snarky tone in order to convince the public that Brutus and his “honorable men” are not the noble, just people that they call themselves. Mark Antony delivers a speech at Julius Caesar’s funeral to persuade his audience that Brutus and his men unjustifiably murdered Caesar.
The Roman public did not expect Caesar to be assassinated because he was one of their most admired rulers. At first they were sad their leader had died but then became stirred up hearing Antony’s speech. After hearing Antony’s speech they became enraged and terrorized the town wanting to kill the conspirators. They even became so infuriated that they killed a poet named Cinna because he had the same name as a conspirator (Shakespeare).
The great Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by a group of men that believed him to be an ambitious leader who did not care about the well-being of the people of Rome. Julius Caesar made his way to the capitol, in order, to receive the crown that was being presented to him by the Senate. Once entering the building the conspirators all attacked him at once, rendering him helpless and powerless. Each and every one of them made sure that Caesar felt their anger and hatred toward him, and continued to stab him until they knew that he was dead and could no longer take over Rome. The crowd was then told of what had happened by no other than Brutus than himself. The crowd received a speech from both Mark Antony and Brutus depicting if the actions
This Essay is about me comparing myself to a character named Brutus from the story The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. This story is about Julius Caesar’s assassination and how his own people and friend betrays him. The Character I will be comparing myself to is Brutus. Brutus is a noble, loyal, and honorable Roman that seeks only the best for Rome and it’s people.
Antony is also a good friend of Caesar, but unlike Brutus, is not a conspirator and cares for Caesar more than Brutus. When he gives his speech, he is trying to provoke hatred and fury from the audience to get supporters to hunt down and kill the conspirators. His speech is also brimming with fallacies and literary devices, but he uses facts to persuade the audience that Caesar was the ruler they all loved and when he was killed they did not do anything for him. Antony’s speech persuades the fickle crowd to switch sides again and support Antony. He expects this reaction too because he is prepared to take action immediately. He also feels that he will avenge Caesar and that he has done
In the play by William Shakespeare, 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar', the dictator Caesar is betrayed and murdered by his friends and fellow senators. Among these senators is Caesar's closest friend, Brutus. After Julius Caesar's assassination, Brutus and his co-conspirators are left with a problem. Much of Rome loved Caesar, and rioted in the streets for justice against their now dead powerful leader. To be able to continue on living in Rome, Brutus needed to make a speech explaining his reasoning and remorse to the Roman people.
In the tragic play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar, is stabbed to death by some of his so-called friends. Brutus, one of Caesar's best friends, is approached by some of the other senators to join the conspiracy to kill Caesar. Brutus weighs his options and decides to join the conspirators for the good of Rome. At Caesars's funeral, Brutus gives a speech to convince the citizens that the conspirators were right to kill Caesar. In contrast, Antony gives a speech to convince the Romans that there was no real reason to kill Caesar. Both characters try to persuade the audience, but they achieve different tones using literary and rhetorical devices. The tone of Brutus' speech is prideful, while the tone of Antony's speech is dramatic and inflammatory.
Marc Antony is highlighting themes of revenge as justice when he vows to murder all the conspirators. After the murder of Julius Caesar, mark antony talks to Caesar’s dead body and tells him that the conspirators will pay for what they had done: “Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war, That this foul deed shall smell above the
and fall of what may have been ancient Rome’s greatest leader, Julius Caesar. Caesar’s rise to
Clearly, one of the conspirators must have spoken about the plot of the murder. Another error in judgment is that Brutus naively spares Antony. Brutus and Cassius disagree on whether to kill Antony. Cassius strongly believes that the conspirators should kill Antony to limit the threat of revenge for killing Antony’s dear friend, Caesar. “We shall find of him a shrewd contriver; and you know his means, if he improve them, may well stretch so far as to annoy us all; which to prevent, let Antony and Caesar fall together,” Cassius fearfully remarks. In contrast, Brutus wants to spare the life of Antony because he does not see a threat in Antony. Brutus states that Antony is nothing without Caesar, and claims after they kill Caesar, Antony won’t know what to do. “…For Antony is but a limb of Caesar,” Brutus cleverly exclaims. This brutal mistake causes the downfall of the conspirators and eventually facing Antony once again. Perhaps the most significant example of Brutus’s error in judgment occurs when he permits Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral oration due to his
Within the play of the tragedy, Julius Caesar by: William Shakespeare, many difficulties, acts of manipulation, and insignificant violence was committed. The people of Rome accepted Caesar’s leadership at first because they admired his military abilities and his leadership senses. Growing to see that Caesar wanted complete control over Rome, the countrymen changed their perception on Caesar’s ways. His coronation occurring in just a few days, as King of the Roman Empire, a tragedy struck Rome the very day of.. The very day he was suppose to be crowned king at his coronation in the capital of Rome, he was assassinated in cold blood by some of his own friends and acquaintances.
After Julius Caesar’s death, the roman citizens were not sure what to think about his assassination. Mark Antony and Brutus took advantage of this at Caesar’s funeral by trying to persuade the citizens how each of them perceived the reason of Julius’s death. While Brutus is successful in instituting fear into the roman citizens, Antony appeals to the citizens and has a better argument. Throughout his speech, Antony persuades the audience that Brutus and the other senators were wrong in killing Caesar, by using pathos, repetition and rhetorical questions.
In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, an honorable man, Brutus, is planning to overthrow the soon to be king, Julius Caesar. Brutus is persuaded by Cassius that Caesar is a liar, too ambitious, weak, and not fit to be Rome’s king. Brutus soon believed Cassius, and they and the conspirators made a plan to kill Caesar. After Caesar’s death, Brutus planned to justify his actions of killing Caesar at his funeral in his speech to the people. After Brutus’s speech, the citizens of Rome were all in agreement that Brutus did the right thing for Rome. Brutus then decides to allow Caesar’s best friend, Antony, to speak in honor of Caesar. Antony speaks, and he convinces the citizens that Brutus’s actions were unjust and turned the people against Brutus.
Brutus thought that he had done the right thing for Rome so the plebeian’s wouldn’t become slaves like Brutus said Caesar would do. Brutus let Cassius convince him to kill Caesar. Brutus and the conspirator’s surrounded Caesar at the capital ad Brutus insisted that they kill Caesar like noblemen. After killing Caesar they drench their hands in blood to show they’re taking equal responsibility for cleansing Rome of its overly ambitious leader. They also carried the dagger they used to kill Caesar with them. When Antony was alone with Caesar and his body Antony whispered to him saying that he was going to get revenge for what they did. Antony carries the dead corpse of Caesar outside and starts his speech. Antony already know that the plebeians are people you could easily trick with whatever you say. Antony uses his emotions to convince the plebeians that Brutus and the conspirators he starts crying so the plebeians could believe him more. Antony wasn’t there when Caesar was murdered but told the plebeian’s the name of the people involved in the mass murder. After the plebeian’s hear the name involved in this murder they start to riot looking for the people who killed Caesar. They killed a poet Cinna who had a close name to one of the people involved in Caesar death so they killed him thinking he was
Brutus speaks to the citizens of Rome to tell them why he killed Caesar, so that they will not turn on him. He talks about how he killed Caesar, not for his personal wants, but for the good of Rome. He tells the people that allowing Caesar to rule and fulfill his