
Is Justice Universal And Never Changing?

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A question that pervades every modern culture when it comes to their system of justice is whether, “Is our justice based on an inalienable plane that cannot be changed by humans or nature?” That is to say, is justice universal and never changing? For over two millennia since civilizations have existed, civilizations have conveniently supported their justice system as universal through their religion. Thomas Hobbes will suggest an alternative to this explanation of justice, that justice is not universal among all men, but it takes another element to decide what justice is. This would seem to discount the thought of an universal justice that exists in everyday life. However, what arises is another question that needs to be answered, “Is there universal justice in nature?” Nature being the plane of existence that everyone in this universe exists in. Nature is the stimuli and experiences that all humans and creatures alike encounter in their life. If Hobbes is correct in saying that there is no universal law that dictates how man may live, is there a law of nature that dictates how man may react to his surroundings? When that question is answered, Hobbes then throws another question that builds off of that answer. If there does exist a universal law of justice in nature, then what is just and what is not just? While we may be satisfied in whatever conclusion we draw, Hobbes throws a wrench into our satisfaction by stating that, “just and unjust have no place prior to the

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