Louis Riel
Is Louis Riel a hero or is he a villain? Well to start what is a hero and what is a villain? A hero is someone noted for courageous acts, where a villain is a person devoted to wickedness or crime. Two completely different things, someone who does good versus someone who does bad.
In my opinion I know Louis Riel is not a villain but I also know he isn’t a hero either. Sure he was a natural born leader who led the Metis in the red river rebellion, who negotiated for the Metis, but he also ran away and fled when they needed him, he stole things that weren’t his, which led to murder of white settlers. Riel wanted to help the Metis and their rights which is more than other people, but he was the reason that Thomas Scott was shot. Many
He reblled against the government as they were trying to take his peoples rightful land. By the metis, he is a hero. No matter the consequences he stood up for their rights which led him to his death leaving children behind. By others he is labelled as a traitor or a killer after an ordeal with a man named Thomas Scott. Scott was an unruly, racist, and mean prisoner who had several confrontations with Louis Riel. Unsurprisingly, Louis Riel notified officials which ultimatley led to Scott's execution, to this day people still blame Riel for Scotts death. Despite the contriversy Louis Riel will remain as a Metis Hero and founder of the province Manitoba even with the lable "traitor" on his grave. This man has sacrificed his Family, his job, his sanity, and even his own life to defend what he believed was right and for that, many people will be forever grateful. Unfortunatly Louis Riel's legacy will not impact the future as Metis still have few rights but he will always be a referrence andwill continue to do his job which is spreading awareness on this famous political
Louis Riel was born on October 22, 1844 in the Red River Settlement (what is now Manitoba). Many people are not sure if he left a good or bad legacy, but overall, Louis Riel left a good legacy. Louis Riel led two resistance movements against the Canadian government. He wanted to preserve Metis rights and culture as their homelands in the Northwest came progressively under the Canadian sphere of influence. Louis Riel was religious and he stayed true to his culture and people.
After the capture and surrender of Louis Riel on may 15, 1885, he was charged of high treason back in Regina. The trial began on July,1885.
The first reason Louis Riel should be viewed as a hero is due to his noble acts at the Red River Settlement. Louis Riel continued to respect the English people despite their attempt at taking over his land. He allowed the English people to become part of the provisional government he created. He also, gave them an equal number of representatives even though they were in the minority. Furthermore, Louis Riel helped Manitoba to become a province and join the Confederation. That happened since if Louis Riel had never stopped the English people from taking over the Red River settlement, Manitoba would have never been formed. Louis Riel also sent Father Ritchot to Ottawa in order to discuss the creation of Manitoba with John A. Macdonald.
He was a patriot who stood up for his people and his beliefs and I don't think there is anything wrong in that. He was also a victim of prevailing prejudice of his time. Reil also fought against Americans and helped bring, what has to be later called Manitoba into Confederation with Canada. Louis Riel was definitely brave and not afraid to die because when everyone was against him for who is supporting and standing with, he still didn't leave his people metis side.Lois Reil also toked many decisions and stand which made him seen as a villain like he even instructing the metis into having two rebellions against the Canadian government and also leading the Red River Rebellion of 1869 in order of metis justice and rights. He did not have the purpose of going against the government, he just wanted justice for his people.Even after his all mistakes, I think he was a true hero because of him the metis got their identity, voice, and rights.Finally, he did a lot for his people and also sacrificed his own life for his people. He lived as a hero and definitely died as a
Benedict Arnold was a notorious traitor. He was an American general during the Revolutionary War. He was a traitor because he attacked his own country and was disloyal. He defined who a traitor is. However, Louis Riel was not what Benedict Arnold was. When the Canadian government was trying to abate Metis rights, Louis Riel voluntarily coped with anguish to protect them. He was a hero because of all the pain that he tolerated for a noble cause of preserving Metis rights that benefited the greater good of Canada. Louis Riel exemplified what a “hero” is.
The nineteenth century included many well known, key figures such as Louis Riel. At this time in history, actions of civilians, were setting the fundaments of Canada in motion. It was clear, from the very beginning of his education, that riel was a standout student. Riel was identified as a strong candidate for priest school, given a scholarship and attended a Sulpician school in Montréal until his father’s death in 1864. His father, Louis Riel, Sr. was a businessman and political leader in the métis community. His political legacy likely influenced his son, Louis Riel Jr. Who than returned to Red River, his childhood home to support his family, and widowed mother after his father’s death.
Louis Riel: Guilty or Not Guilty? Louis Riel: Some define him as a hero, others define him as a traitor. Louis Riel was convicted of several treasonous acts. He was offered to plead insanity but refused to. Louis Riel was deemed guilty.
In Chester Brown’s “Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography” and in Sarah Ovcjak’s “The Facebook Profile of Louis Riel,” the authors attempt to criticize historical representations by presenting the history of Louis Riel in conflicting lights. Both authors allow Louis Riel to have a voice in their respective works; however, Ovcjak’s Facebook profile allows Riel’s character to speak in the first person perspective narrating his own life, while the story within Brown’s graphic novel unfolds through a third person frame narrative. Ovcjak’s first person narrator uses emotional dialogue and images to clarify Louis Riel’s character. Brown’s frame narrative uses flat dialogue, imagery and extensive notes to present a more impartial understanding of Louis Riel that is rooted in a subjective framing viewpoint. These techniques help shape each author’s arguments about the subject they are describing. Despite these differences, the works reveal the significance of perspective and objectivity, alluding to their importance for historical veracity. Reading Ovcjak's “The Facebook Profile of Louis Riel” against Chester Brown's “Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography” articulates Brown’s argument of presenting Louis Riel in the graphic novel context as a means to demonstrate the importance of looking at history from different perspectives. The implication of reading these creative works as historical documents identifies a need for an authoritative and objective historical lens that is often
Louis Riel was not a hero nor was he a traitor. He was neither because in the story, all he did was become an interpreter for the Métis and that granted him the power over some of the Métis government. He ended up not helping the Métis because he led them all into war and killing, but he also did not help the government because he led an attack on them and ended up killing many people. Louis Riel never had a right to lead up arms against the government nor was he allowed to lead the Métis into death and jail. Before the war and everything, Louis Riel was on the sidelines and never helped the Métis with persuading the government into listening to the Métis Bill of Rights, instead he just ran into the U.S and decided to stay safe inside
The definition of a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. One of the most influential heroes in the United States is George Washington but that’s just what Americans think of him. The British, who were fighting against the United States in the Revolution don’t see George Washington as a hero because he won the war for the United States but lost that territory for England. A hero is only defined by the people they protect and serve. Likewise, after the fall of the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte swept in and seized power. At the young age of 30, he was already in charge of the First Counsel. By 35, he was the dictator of France. Through cunning military strategies and ambition, Napoleon climbed through the ranks of the French military. Napoleon at the time of his reign was seen in the French perspective as revolutionary and a savior. But, when the statistics are put into account, he wasted millions of dollars and lives for unsuccessful wars. He was seen as controlling and wasn’t even native to France. Napoleon can be considered a tyrant based off of the misery, death and grief he caused the French citizens during his reign.
Louis Riel was one of the most controversial figures in Canadian history, and even to this day – more than a century after his execution – he continues to be remembered. Many believed him to be a villain; others saw him as a hero. So who was he really? Born in St. Boniface at the Red River Settlement of Canada (present-day Winnipeg, Manitoba) on October 22, 1844, Louis Riel hoped one day to follow his father’s footsteps and become a great Métis leader just like him. Eventually, Riel was seen as a hero to the French-speaking Métis. In the Canadian West, however, most people regarded him as a villain due to his execution in 1885. Nevertheless, Louis Riel was not really a villain by heart; only a flawed man who made many mistakes in his life.
A hero is a man of courage and ability who is admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. A hero is a person who does not come along very often in any time period. He is a special person, who is a step above the average person in the way that he handles any situation that may arise.
So, who is the villain-hero? This villain may start out at the beginning of the story as a hero, or he may possess heroic characteristics, such as charisma, or he may have a
Hearing of the word hero brings to my mind a good looking man with some qualities of fair, equal, courage, brave, honest and a positive leader. This makes the opposite a villain a person who wishes wrong for someone or a person who creates evil. The event changes dramatically, a hero of the past may not be considered a hero in the present and versa. Hernando Cortes a hero for joining two worlds and conquering the most powerful civilization of America or Hernando Cortes a villain for making the Aztec Empire disappear. Hernando Cortez was an important symbol for the explorations, but killing people, ending the most powerful civilization in America and spreading diseases does not makes him a hero. With